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you’ll never find any helpful and better tool other than this mozilla firefox addon –>
this may help a bit although it doesn’t give a clear answer to the problem apart from pointing the finger at an outdated plugin –>
Then you may probably have to follow versluis’s advice above… that is to activate your other plugins one by one to find the culprit
Michael, could you have a look at the invisible-defender plugin?
Any idea how i can I test it locally with the callback URL?
Any updates, John?
The third party BuddyPress Multilingual plugin is set to work with WPMU and generates the following error when installed in a single user WP:
“Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_blog_list()”
Since I am not looking for any blog list (single user WP) I have commented out the following in sitepress-bp.php:
// $blogs = get_blog_list( 0, ‘all’ );
// foreach ($blogs as $k => $v) {
// //if TODO: domains?
// if ($v[‘blog_id’] == BP_ROOT_BLOG ) $this->home_blog = rtrim(‘http’.$this->https.’
// else if ( $this->siteurl.’/’ != ‘http’.$this->https.’
/’.$v[‘domain’].$v[‘path’] )
// $this->blogs_search[] = rtrim(‘http’.$this->https.’
// $this->blogs[$v[‘blog_id’]][‘domain’] = $v[‘domain’];
// $this->blogs[$v[‘blog_id’]][‘path’] = $v[‘path’];
// $this->blogs[$v[‘blog_id’]][‘fullpath’] = rtrim(‘http’.$this->https.’
// }
No more errors, naturally. I then tried to tweak the code to get the urls right. After many attempts, I am still not being able to get it right. Any solutions?
@pigi85 –>
Make sure you remember step #5
If you are a Windows user then you should befriend WinGrep –>!
By the way, which software are you using to edit your language files… Poedit?
nickmy, you can achieve that by implementing the code provided by Chris above but instead of using single.php you would use page.php to insert <?php locate_template( array( ‘sidebar-left.php’ ), true ) ?> after <?php get_header() ?> and just before <div id=”content”>.
Chris, i’ve added a width and a border-left to your default.css code:
div#content .padder {
margin-right: 225px;
border-right: 0px solid #e4e4e4;
border-left: 1px solid #e4e4e4;
-moz-border-radius-topleft: 6px;
-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 6px;
-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 6px;
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 6px;
margin-left: 225px;
done! I use to vote and rate every single plugin I use.
you can try this as well
Thanks for the link!
Have you tried ?
there are 3 different questions up there
1) if he’s using WP instead of WPMU then the answer to “How do users make blog posts?” is “they just can’t”. You should use BP with WPMU (not BP + WP) in order for you to enable blog posting by users.
2) “Is there a way for users to make posts to the main site blog?” – It depends on what Hypergripe means by “main site blog”. One of my installations (BP+WPMU) have two different blogs; a) one belonging to the site owner and b) others for each user. Now, Hypergripe, do you mean enabling your users to post on your blog site referred to in a)?
3) “my goal is to have users be able to make a blog post while in my site theme” – The answer of Travel-Junkie is right. However, you may have an options: style your WP back-end the same way your BP site is styled (not so very complicated if you are familiar with CSS)
Hypergripe, do you mean WPMU instead of WP 2.9.2?
excellent summary, Thomas!
I believe it was a misunderstanding, podictionary. I read “I have WPML and BP 1.2 but have installed the backward compatibility plugin…” when you meant WPMU I got it now.
In fact, I am using WPML Multilingual CMS 1.7.1 (with WPSU) and had ‘blog’ tab showing up when using english but disappearing when shifting to other languages. Armandmorin said that he got no blog tab… He may probably have the same problem i had. So that explains my post above.
Have you checked if you had created the different ‘blog’ pages for each language?
re “scratch that”. Is it a matter of wpmu vs wpsu? WPMU uses multiple blogs while WPSU uses a single one.