Active 9 years, 3 months ago
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Since I really like this code …
<?php /* * Called by wp-content/themes/twentyten/plugins/events-manager/placeholders/attendees.php * Called by procedure described in /wp-content/plugins/events-manager/templates/placeholders/readme.txt * * * @Shonu * @Date 16/08/2011 11:45:19 */ showBookingsTable(); ########################################################################################################## function showBookingsTable($attributes = array()){ global $EM_Event; if(!$EM_Event || !$EM_Event->rsvp ) return; $lister = $EM_Event->get_bookings(); ///$bookings->get( $args = array());// $bookerList = $lister->bookings; $wpCurrentUserObj = wp_get_current_user(); $currentUserID = $wpCurrentUserObj->ID; $userProfile = "/wp-admin/user-edit.php?user_id=#ID#"; $table .= "<tr>" ."<th>Full Name</th>" ."<th>Time registered</th>" ."<th>Status</th>" ."<th>Seats</th>" ."<th>Comments</th>" ."</tr>"; //error_reporting(E_WARNING); foreach($bookerList as $EM_Booking) { $atendeesNo = $atendeesNo + $EM_Booking->spaces; if(0){ echo "<pre>"; print_r($EM_Booking); echo "</pre>"; } $bookedUserID = $EM_Booking->person_id;//Not the user ID!! It is a ticket id or so $personObj = $EM_Booking->person; $userFirstname = $personObj->first_name; $userLastname = $personObj->last_name; $userDispname = $EM_Booking->person->display_name; if(0){ echo "<pre>"; print_r($personObj); echo "</pre>"; } /* @var $EM_Booking EM_Booking */ $aTRs = array(); foreach( $EM_Booking->get_tickets_bookings() as $EM_Ticket_Booking) { /* @var $EM_Ticket EM_Ticket */ /* @var $EM_Ticket_Booking EM_Ticket_Booking */ $EM_Ticket = $EM_Ticket_Booking->get_ticket(); $isCurrentUser = $bookedUserID == $currentUserID; $userName = "<span title='login or register to reveal'>*********</span>"; if(is_user_logged_in()){ if($userLastname && $userFirstname) $userName = $userFirstname . " " . $userLastname ; else //if($userFirstname) //$userName = $EM_Booking->person->display_name; $userName = $userDispname; } $sorterStringPrefix = "<!-- ".$EM_Booking->timestamp."-->"; //$userProfile = $currentUserID ? "<a href=\"".str_replace("#ID#", $currentUserID, $userProfile)."\">$userName</a>":$userName; $row = array( //$EM_Booking->id, $userName ,//. " [$bookedUserID = $currentUserID]" //$EM_Booking->person->user_email, //$EM_Booking->person->phone, date('d.m.Y H:i', $EM_Booking->timestamp), $EM_Booking->get_status(), //$EM_Ticket->name, $EM_Ticket_Booking->get_spaces(), //$EM_Ticket_Booking->get_price(), preg_replace("/<|>/", "-", $EM_Booking->comment) ); //Display all values $newTR = $sorterStringPrefix."<tr ".($isCurrentUser ? "style='background-color:#FFFFDD;'":"")."><!-- $currentUserID === {$EM_Booking->id} -->\r\n"; foreach($row as $value){ //$value = str_replace('"', '""', $value); //$value = str_replace("=", "", $value); //$file .= '"' . preg_replace("/\n\r|\r\n|\n|\r/", ". ", $value) . '",'; $newTR .= "\t<td>" . $value . "</td>\r\n"; } $newTR .= "</tr>\r\n"; $aTRs[$EM_Booking->timestamp] = $newTR; } if(0) $table .= $newTR; else{ natsort($aTRs); $table .= implode("", $aTRs); } }//booker list $table .= "<tr><th colspan='3' style='text-align:right'>Total Attendees so far</th><td><b>$atendeesNo</b></td></tr>"; reset($bookerList); if(!$lister || !$bookerList) echo "<p><b>Sorry, nobody is yet attending...</b></p>"; else echo "<table><caption><h3>People Attending</h3></caption>\r\n" . $table . "</table>"; } ?>
… I tried to implement your code-snippet into it. But since I’m not a programmer, I just can’t figure it out. So I’d be very happy if you could give me a hint 🙂
Awesome! That did it! Thanks!
Here is my new code:<?php /* @var $EM_Event EM_Event */ $people = array(); foreach($EM_Event->get_bookings() as $EM_Booking){ $people[$EM_Booking->person->ID] = $EM_Booking->person; $user_info = get_userdata($referring_user_id); } ?> <ul class="event-attendees"> <?php foreach($people as $EM_Person): ?> <li> <?php $user_info = get_userdata($EM_Person->ID); echo get_avatar($EM_Person->ID, 50) . " " . $user_info->first_name . " " . $user_info->last_name . " " . $location = xprofile_get_field_data( 'Ort', $EM_Person->ID, $multi_format = 'comma' ) ; ?></li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul>
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