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  • @jbakuk


    @milenushka Thanks for sharing your code, I’ve been trying to get this set up for days without success. Really, really appreciate you taking the time to post your code. 🙂



    I’m going to start over, I guess too many changes has took it’s toll and I’m worried for future issues even if I resolved this one. Thanks again for your time.



    Hi @modemlooper, thanks for getting in touch.

    Yes I have site tracking active and I’m not using custom post types, thanks for the code though it will come in handy if and when I do.

    There was no problems before moving url, I’ve double checked and there is no entries of the old url in the database.

    Is there a buddypress php file that might not have updated the url? That’s all I can think of but I can’t find anything.

    Right now it’s looking like I might just have to delete everything and start over 🙁

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