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  • thanks for the quick response! ill check it all out

    oh great! thanks

    awesome! thanks!

    thanks @hnla, i’ll try that

    @pcwriter: how do i put links in the wordpress menu 1 &2? do i use the menu creator in wordpress?


    why is it that your screenshot has all sorts of cool features and when i install it I only have 2 sections?

    Where do i find the call to the admin bar? its not in the footer for my theme so if i knew what the call was i could search for it a lot easier.

    yeah, i dont want to do relative or absolute positioning.

    hmmm, sounds like it would probably work. only question is how do i force it to appear under my header? i’d prefer to not have to do relative positioning to make it line up correctly.


    well, i have been trying to get a content slider working on my site for some time now. I have tried many plugins and even made my own using jquery but no matter what, whenever buddypress is enabled, just about all jquery functions in anything other than buddypress is broken.



    has anyone else noticed this?

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