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  • @jesperpopma



    When I upgraded to bp version 1.2.4 the problem magically disappeared…. If you did not upgrade please do and see if it works for you!




    I have added your line:
    define( 'BP_AVATAR_URL', 'http:///' );
    to my bp-custom.php

    That works fine. Thanks for helping me out!




    I’m using BuddyPress on a subdirectory:

    After upgrading to 1.2.4 my avatars are gone!

    I’m not using a custom BP_AVATAR_URL

    Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks!



    Yes I can make activity updates, links and forum topics. Just groups are acting weird?

    There was an error saving group details. Please try again.

    When I hit the main groups button. The group is actually created, but without going through all the right steps!



    I just switched back to bp-deafault. I made a group an still the same error message :-(



    I have made a child theme with the widgetized homepage by ‘modemlooper”

    I copied all those files to a new folder and added some custom styling of my own.

    The latest theme change I made is I added this to my style.css:

    #links-list img.avatar-embed {



    because the BP links widget looked not right on my widgetized homepage. Avatars were really big.


    My server was down last week for 30 hours. Could they (servage hosting) messed thing up?



    I tried deactivating Invite Anyone, BP Links and that indeed didn’t matter.

    What could i have done to cause this effect. I’m trying to remeber what I did the last couple of days and can only think of upgrading plugins, but I might have done something else. Ofcourse you don’t know what I did, but maybe there is something that I’ve done that causes this effect you know of?

    Sound kinda stupid I know. A wild shot!

    The error occurs after I hit the next step button here:

    I also get this message from wordpress > WordPress Failure Notice:

    Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.

    I get this here:

    Any clues?




    Thanks! That worked.

    I added your code to the default.css of the plugin! NOT THE CHILD THEME STYLE.CSS!

    I only added:

    #links-list img.avatar-embed {



    Because the avatars of this plugin aren’t square but rectangular.

    Thanks again!




    As you mentioned in this thread. Some third party widgets may act funky! Well, I want the BuddyPress Links Widget on my homepage. Can’t seem to figure out how to get the embedded avatars the right size. Same size as the Group Avatars and Recent Active Members avatars (height 50px)





    Thanks for the info, but as you mentioned maybe not the best solution. What about updates?

    Could this be called from a bp-custom.php? And if so how?

    Or is this bug fixed in the next BP version?




    I just installed W3 Total Cache with the default settings on a single buddypress install.

    Anyone figured out the best settings. I’m asking cause this thread is a week old so new insights may be at hand :-)




    I’m sorry I’m talking about the activity stream!



    I’ve got the same problem.

    I just recieved a notification of a reply from a ‘non-group-member’. The reply is in the notification mail, but not on the wire.

    That’s really confusing for users !



    This worked for me:

    (see “Settings” >> “Miscellaneous”)

    Clear “Store uploads in this folder”-path

    Set “Full URL path to files” to absolute server path , e.g. “/home/_several_/_folder_/_levels_/wp-content/uploads”



    Ik ben ook zeer geïnteresseerd in de meest recente vertaling!!

    Ik heb Xevo al een berichtje gestuurd en zou het geweldig vinden om de files te ontvangen.

    Hoe kun je trouwens een update maken van verouderde .mo en .po files? Of moet steeds het nieuwste .pot file van voor af aan vertaald worden?

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