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  • @jf_trumpet


    When all the plugins are disabled, the dashboard is 100% visible. It is only when we reactivate BP that this happens (with all the other plugins disabled).

    This leads us to believe it is not a WP issue but a BP one.

    This is also affecting coding on the front end of the site that users need for interaction.

    Thank you for your help….



    That makes sense.

    Unfortunately, the dev company I have been working with setup my dev version (which I need to update) and didn’t tell me where the dev file is stored in FTP. I wrote to them for insight into where they put it so I can work with it, but I haven’t heard back from them.

    Once I find it, I will probably use your method.

    Thank you,



    I get that and accept some load time issues with that.

    My big concern is what would happen when users are on it and start loading media. One of my developers seemed to have found the solution.

    Don’t know how to close this comment thread, but I think it is possibly resolved.

    Thank you all.



    We deleted all the groups and left only 1.

    With only 1 group, the site pings anywhere between 3 to 15 seconds to load.

    Do other people have the same issues with load time? Why is BP so popular if this is a common issue?



    We are still working on this issue and is one of the last hurdles to going live. The theme may not be as much of an issue as previously thought.

    One of my developers did a gradual install of all fresh components and tested it along the way on a different host:

    WP: Fresh install
    Buddypress: Fresh install
    Razor theme: Fresh install and default settings

    Everything was as fresh and default as I could make it.
    just WP: ~1 secs
    WP + Razor: ~1.7 secs
    WP + Razor + Buddypress: just over 4secs
    WP + Razor + BP + 20k groups (homepage): Just under 8 secs
    WP + Razor + BP + 20k groups (grouppage): 9-10 secs

    So thats it, no other theme or plugins being used. Just the core WP Razor BP.

    With my customizations and required plugins, the site loads around 30s per page.

    My site has 20K+ groups, but there are no users. Would the number of groups affect the load times of the site?

    We are not caching the site currently as this issue needs to be addressed prior to that option.

    Thank you for your help.



    I am looking to hire a developer (project only) to help me with my site. I posted on the wordpress jobs link, but I’m needing somebody that is more familiar with buddypress and creating dynamic lists within a groups page, to be specific.

    Is there a place I can post this to let the BP experts (Not just WP) know?

    Thank you,





    Rackspace. I’m certain it’s not a shared hosting plan.

    Thanks for the link. I’ll check it out.

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