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  • @jordashtalon


    I guess the function just doesn’t exist…




    The bp_core_get_user_displayname($userid) function worked perfectly.

    However bp_member_avatar($userid) seems to not do anything, any ideas?




    I tried every relevant Avatar Function on that page, most of them said, “Undefined Function”.

    And the ones that did actually do something didn’t do what I need.

    Do you know which one will print the avatar with a user id specified as a parameter?




    Yeah I was hoping to try and display that they were a moderator if they were a moderator of Any Group, or i’m thinking have on the profile page say something to the effect of: “Moderator of: x group, y group, z group”

    I just realized on the forum topic page there is a CSS Class added to each Moderators Topic post, so I could add some CSS to the Forum topics to highlight what the moderators are saying.



    Great I got it working, although instead of that function I used


    That function gives the Original Poster ID for some reason




    so what does bp_is_my_profile() do? Does it detect if it’s my (the administrators) profile? I also need to detect if it is any moderators profile (I have about 20 moderators).

    I was looking through here:

    But I can’t find a function that detects whether they are a moderator or not.

    Any ideas?



    Thanks for All the suggestions Cube Points seems to have all I need for now but I have a couple of questions about it, if anyone knows how to solve it:

    Anyway here is a couple of questions:
    1. Is there anyway to add a text popup or something that says “Congratulations you just earned x points!” (like Yahoo Answers)
    2. I want to format ever users profile page like this: As you can see I’m probably going to need a list of Template Tags, Like the points which should be like you mentioned, and I’ll also need to find the code to display their rank and possibly rank image.
    3. This might be off topic, but how would I detect whether or not the user is a moderator on any forum on the profile page so I can display an image identifying them as a moderator?
    4. I also want to display the users stats in the Forum Posts, and on the sidebar in their User Control Panel (A Custom area I made once a user logs in:) see here for an example of how I am trying to get the forum topic to look:

    Has anyone tried that kind of thing.

    Any suggestions or tips would be appreciated.




    That looks cool i’ll give it a shot.





    Looks like they didn’t activate their account, I used the plugin WP Activate to manually activate the account for them.




    It’s so wierd the user isn’t highlighted in red and “Not Spam” isn’t an even an option,

    The only options I have are “Bulk Actions” and “Delete”

    This is WordPress 3.1 Not WordPress MU.



    Is there anyway to manually activate a users account? How can you manually “Un Spam” a user?




    Hey I was able to get the topics and posts to print out properly, however with the moderator I was able to get an Array with the user ID of every Moderator in that category: This is a var dump of one:

    Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [user_id] => 10 [date_modified] => 2010-07-25 01:51:48 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [user_id] => 16 [date_modified] => 2010-07-26 14:37:24 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [user_id] => 27 [date_modified] => 2010-07-26 16:49:17 ) )

    So I should be able to loop through all the user ids, is there a function to get a link to the mods profile, mods picture, and mods name, all from the user ID?

    Where can I look up functions like that? Is there a place to look it up?

    I’m also looking for the following functions:

    most recent user in a group by id, last activity date of a group by id (e.g. Last Activity 2 days ago..)

    Also I’m printing out the group IDS and Forum IDS at the bottom of the site when i’m in a group or forum, is there a better way to look them up?

    Thanks for all your help.



    @intimez Thanks that worked out well.



    @dominikmatus Thanks, that works pretty good.



    This plugin kind of does it:

    as long as you follow the instructions under “Activity on Topic Posts”

    Although it doesn’t actually show up as a forum “reply” like usual it looks like an activity update on the forum post here:

    You can see an example of what it looks like near the bottom of the thread.




    Awesome plugin! I was wondering, is there any update on the Merge and Split options? I’ll probably could use options like that.

    Anyway thanks for the plugin so far!



    @finni3 @dwenaus @boonebgorges

    Yeah that would be awesome if they could be integrated somehow.



    Actually I guess it should be @nuprn1



    Thanks any idea how to get the forum post count? And what is the quickest way to find the group ID?



    Thanks Ray



    Anyone ever try anything like this?



    Awesome, worked perfectly! Thanks! :)



    I downloaded an older version of the plugin and it doesn’t auto pull the facebook avatar but at least they can change their avatar if they choose (which is more important) AND they can auto login with Facebook without going through the registration process which is very fluid.




    Actually the only way I can get it to work is by using the widget, when I put it on a page the manual way there is a Javascript error I was able to track down which is causing problems unless it’s the widget. So i’m hacking the widget to get it to look / work the way I want.

    I have an older version of the plugin that doesn’t seem to override the BuddyPress Avatar i’ll let you know if that works any better than the new version.



    @kagliostro i’m having the same problem as you, I could get WP-FB-Autoconnect working before but with WordPress 3.0 and Later versions of BuddyPress i’m having no luck whatsoever. What is Gygia?

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