Travel-Junkie posted on the forum topic BuddyPress Privacy in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
@joshua_d Forums aren’t there to get your frustration out there, whatever the reasons. Of course, sometimes you can’t help it, but then you should just move on afterwards. You have to keep in mind that most developers code plugins in their spare time. If Jeff releases his code or not is beside the point. If he […]
Paul Gibbs posted on the forum topic BuddyPress Privacy in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
@joshua_d I locked the other thread because of your comment, “(Jeff) has held up the development of a working privacy component for over a year now” which is confrontational and simply not true. If you want to discuss further, my email is paul at byotos.com.
sciencebox.net posted an update 14 years ago
@joshua_d HI Joshua,
I applaud your efforts. We all know whats been done here when you look at the history of privacy within BP. Many people send 1000’s of hours developing plugins for free distribution, with open hearts and without moaning or passing on guilt for their efforts. It is quite obvious the way th BP privacy issue has been handled…[Read more]
mercime posted on the forum topic BuddyPress Privacy in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
@joshua_d Some other options include
and/or making the site private for members only via script or a plugins like
https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/hs-membership/I know that…[Read more]
mercime posted on the forum topic BuddyPress Privacy: Can we get it in core? in the group Requests & Feedback: 14 years ago
can’t understand why he won’t let anyone see the code unless it never existed. He has held up the development of a working privacy component for over a year now.
@joshua_d Move on. No use griping over what was. Look forward to what can be done. -
Paul Gibbs posted on the forum topic BuddyPress Privacy: Can we get it in core? in the group Requests & Feedback: 14 years, 1 month ago
@joshua_d Yes, I’ve seen an earlier version.
Travel-Junkie posted on the forum topic BuddyPress Privacy: Can we get it in core? in the group Requests & Feedback: 14 years, 1 month ago
Not recently active
Thanks, I still don’t know why we’re not supposed to ask about it.