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  • @jpittssr


    I don’t see any problem.
    Every menu item works for me.




    Buddypress works fine with WP 2.9.2. I am using both.
    I am not sure I understand your problem.
    Are you saying that you can’t sign in to the site?
    Can’t register?
    How about posting a link to your site.
    I don’t like the WP register/login screen so I use a login with Ajax plugin.



    On my site I see a similar problem with a small difference, I have people register which makes them a “Subscriber” but they never confirm by email. I am not sure that all of them get the new user email or if my host trash cans some of them.

    Anyway, this leaves me with registered WP users that are not site members in Buddypress.

    My wish list would be for a plugin that would allow me to delete any WP user that had not confirmed in some time period.

    This is a self hosted site with WP 2.9.2 and the users cant write to the blogs so I don’t have that clean up to worry about.





    I have the best community on the web! (don’t you?)

    It is a Genealogy community and that puts me going head to head with sites like So, why should anyone use my site?

    I think I have to find that “Little difference” that makes a “BIG” difference. Exactly what that is, I don’t know yet. But one thing I do know, CONTENT! CONTENT! If I don’t find some usable content on your site I will leave and will not bookmark it for a return.

    This is where I am struggling at present.




    Yes, I changed to the Darwin theme. I like it much better for my setup but I would really like to add another side bar on the right side with widget area.

    Thanks for the reply.



    This a subject that I have searched a lot. Seems like we can only learn to write our own themes.

    I bet there is someone that know how to add another sidebar.

    I am using buddypress 1.2 and a Cosmic Buddy theme. I would really like it if I could just get a sidebar on the right like the one on the left.

    If you have some spare time, visit me at:

    Carving Buddy Web Site



    If this helps anyone. I installed 1.2.3 with wp 2.9.2 in this order.

    Backed up my database

    Deactivated ALL buddypress add-ons

    Set all folder permissions to 777

    auto upgrade


    activate add-ons

    Everything works perfect.

    Set folder permission back




    I found the answer posted by Dennis:

    After looking for a solution after a few days I found out, that the upload path handling of WordPress (see “Settings” >> “Miscellaneous”) causes this issue. My fix:

    Clear “Store uploads in this folder”-path

    Set “Full URL path to files” to absolute server path , e.g. “/home/_several_/_folder_/_levels_/wp-content/uploads”




    I have the same problem. I only have the buddypress plugin installed.

    Here is the funny thing: on a test site on my local machine everything installed and works perfectly.

    On my web site is installed the same way I have the problem.

    If you use firefox and firebug to inspect the code you will see there is a / missing from the img src line.

    I have tried the buddypress default theme and a few more, same problem.

    I have all the folders on my web site set to 777 to be sure there were no unreported writing errors.

    the key lies in that line of code but I don’t know how to fix it.

    Ed Pitts

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