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  • Hello Hugo,
    Many thanks for this information.
    Meanwhile, I notice that the occurrence comes from the “last_activity” Meta-Key from the “wp_usermeta” table. I delete the one associate to the user that appears many time and all is fine now.
    But it didn’t said why this happens.

    So ok for the cache, I am going to try to check attentively for the use of caching plugin. Keep in touch for feed back I will have (if so)

    Again many thanks for your return.

    Humm, here it goes again : Following a connexion of a new user, my account appears now 14 times.
    At the same time, I activated plugins : DB Cache Reloaded Fix and Hyper Cache – Not sure this is linked, but just in case. I do have Mailpress installed too, if this can help too.

    For information, last time I had this, and before having a complete reinstall, I did deactivate all plug-ins and activate standard theme and the 7 identical users didn’t move away.

    It look like when someone register (first connexion), it create multiples records inside the database. I am not sure, how to identify this issue (I don’t handle dababase very well)

    Any ideas ?

    The solution I found, was to delete database, and reactivate all plug ins + configuration of metadatas.

    It seems that i could be linked with massing around with profile field and/or plugin that work with the user creation processus,

    Now everything works well. But I have no idea why this appends.

    I suggest to implement an integrity check on the member database to avoid multiple same metadata created linked to one user.

    Hi Hugo, Hi Diane,
    I have the same issue : Last member is listed 7 times. And when inside a group I list members for administration (admin option/manage members) I see one members 2 times, another one 3 times.

    I have tested without plugins and with default theme -> Same

    I checked inside database :
    – wp-users has unique members
    – wp_bp_user_blogs idem

    One particular thing : i changed the name of the first field in the Extended Profile Fields – was “name” I put “societe” then cam back to name, because notice of some strange things (value of this field wasn’t kept, and show some other value appears) – There is a ticket on this, I think.

    If you found how to manage this issue, I am very interested since I am stuck and getting some delay in opening hte web site :-(

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