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  • @jugoretz


    I came up with a workaround, as described here
    that might help you. I’m pretty sure it was the same problem you were having.



    OK, I poked around and I did find the problem, although I’m not sure I really understand it. Maybe a javascript conflict somehow?

    I also found a fix, but it involved editing the core files, so not really advisable. But anyway, it works for now, and I’ll put it here so others can find it if they encounter the same issue. I would love it if someone more knowledgable than me could see what happened and why and maybe a better firx.

    My workaround was to edit the core files bp-blogs/bp-blogs-template.php, bp-groups/bp-groups-template.php, and bp-members/bp-members-template.php

    Each of those defines the search form for the different areas, and in each of them there’s a little onblur and onfocus javascript to fill in the value for the search field (“search members” or “search groups” or whatever).

    The search form is in each of those, you can find it just by doing a text search for onfocus. Then you want to get rid of the javascript and just have the search field be blank.

    So you’re looking for:

    `value=”” onfocus=”if (this.value == ”) {this.value = ”;}” onblur=”if (this.value == ”) {this.value = ”;}”`

    and you just want to change that to


    Not too elegant, and I realize that the next buddypress upgrade will break this and I’ll have to do it again, but it solves the problem for now. Still would be happy to hear other ideas!



    It seems like there is a problem with an empty search box. If anything is in the search box, even a blank space, all the functions (the “all sites,” the pages, whatever) work fine. The “nothing found” message” is only when the search box is empty.



    This seems to be similar to the problem reported here

    He was using an unusual theme, and never reported back on whether that was the problem. For me, that’s not it.



    Thanks, Andy. I will try fiddling with this when I have more time. The permissions looked OK, I did think of that–but maybe I’m not looking carefully. The blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/ should be writeable by the webserver, right? (there are over 1000 subdirectories in there–one for each user, I assume?)

    But the really troubling thing was the browser crashes. Those were hard to accept.

    This is really a big upgrade, I can see–change in the way themes work, avatars, forums. My own fault for trying to push it right away on a live install.

    For now I’ve dropped back to 1.0–I have 200 students coming in on Sunday to start playing with the system. Best to play it safe until that’s over with.



    Similar strange problems with avatars (with 1.1 and 2.8.4a). Sometimes uploading a new avatar just keeps the old one, sometimes it takes the new one for the large size and the old one for the small thumbnail. More often it just crashes the browser (firefox or safari).

    Very strange. A full (or simple) explanation of how these avatars work would probably help to troubleshoot.

    Or is there a way to just use gravatars instead?



    This does look useful to me, at least! But I want to confirm before I make the change.

    My line 267 in bp-blogs-classes.php currently reads

    if ( !(int)$wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT public FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs WHERE blog_id = %d", $blog_id ) ) )

    So you’re saying I should just replace

    $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT public FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs WHERE blog_id = %d", $blog_id ) ) )

    within that line? Or the whole line?



    Nope. Hate to say it, but that was one of the first things I tried. It still, even with the correct version, doesn’t work for me. :-(



    Thanks, Lederman, but that did not work for me!





    This a dedicated server and I can allow remote calls to it from itself if they’re not being allowed now. I mean if I knew how to! Where would that be disabled, how could I tell, and what would I need to change to enable it?

    Or I guess wait for the next release–I’m really hoping to roll this out large-scale when the students return in the fall. But that seems like a tight time-frame for the next release.



    I’ve got a phpinfo file, but not sure where in there to look.

    I do see this

    xmlrpc_error_number 0 0

    xmlrpc_errors Off Off

    which isn’t meaningful to me.



    Thanks, John. I did try that, too, although I didn’t mention it. memory_limit is at 32M already.

    I’m wondering if there’s an error log I should be looking at somewhere? Or other debugging steps I can try?



    We’re using WPMU and BuddyPress (just starting with BuddyPress, haven’t really publicized it yet while we work out the kinks) for eportfolios at Macaulay Honors College of the City University of New York.

    and .

    Very exciting possibilities…



    The Google Maps Quicktags plugin

    takes care of this problem (which would also affect embedded Google Maps).



    Thanks, Jeff–I understand and wasn’t complaining (not really!). This is just the one nagging little difficulty that remains in the otherwise nearly flawless install I have running.




    BuddyPress RC-1 and WPMU 2.7



    Bumping this up to see if anyone else has encountered it or found a solution. Messages work fine, replies not at all.



    Nope, no other problems, just the messaging problem I referred to in another thread (and maybe that’s related?). The other person I’ve found who has that problem does not seem to have a subdirectory install, though. (in the comments here

    So far every other problem I’ve had has been clearly matched to this misalignment of /eportfolios and /eportfolios/social . And working out the right links has fixed all of those problems.

    But I think maybe I wasn’t clear–it’s not just that buddypress is in a sub-directory, the issue is that the buddypress homepage (home blog) is *not* the home blog of the wpmu install. Blog number 1 of wpmu is at /eportfolios and the buddypress home is /eportfolios/social

    Is that something you’ve tested and had full functionality without these changes? That would be great–would make upgrades easier–but I don’t see how.

    See, siteurl() is . but in the case of those links in the top nav (and others) it should be

    Tell me there’s something obvious I’m missing! That would be great!



    OK–I’ll start another thread for that–not that I think my solutions are the best. They’re ugly workarounds in most cases! :)

    But I’m still trying to figure out this messaging problem.



    Disabling spamkarma 2 did not do the trick.

    I am running buddypress in a subdirectory–not the root of the wpmu install

    (wpmu is in and buddypress in ). Could that be the source of the problem? Doing it this way has caused other problems, all of which I’ve been able to solve so far!



    Ah, thanks! I had deleted them from their own blog where they were users, but not from wpmu overall. Now I’ve done that, and I believe it should do the trick.



    I am running sk2 for anti-spam.

    Will try disabling that temporarily to troubleshoot.

    But this error is not in the admin area at all–on a user page.

    Does that url look right? Should the reply button be calling to wp-admin?



    That’s the exact error message, all alone on a page.

    There isn’t any other information at all.

    The page that it’s trying to load is




    I’m having the same problem. Running bp RC1, and wpmu 2.7

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