modemlooper posted on the forum topic RiotCart.com: A Reworking in the group Gallery: 14 years, 3 months ago
eor posted on the forum topic Avatars with Multi Site in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 4 months ago
@justbishop found your thread…here it is incase anybody else needs it! Worked like a charm….Fixing avatars https://buddypress.org/community/groups/how-to-and-troubleshooting/forum/topic/custom-avatars-arent-shown-on-single-blogs-in-wpmu/?topic_page=1&num=15
hnla posted on the forum topic RiotCart.com: A Reworking in the group Gallery: 14 years, 4 months ago
@justbishop That’s a very interesting post, and raises a valuable point in the creation of community sites, it would be nice to see further discussion flowing from your initial post.
Your re-working looks as though it makes a lot of sense, I’m thinking you’re going to have much better results π
sasole posted an update 14 years, 5 months ago
@justbishop Hi, for quit some time now I’m trying to find a solution to link the calssifieds to the profile info. So theat when u user places a n add it automaticaly displays his/her profile info and avatar. And in the profile the adss he/she had placed are shown. This is for a buddypress community site where non commercial adds will be displayed…[Read more]
ghostchild posted an update 14 years, 6 months ago
@justbishop @justbishop – thanks again for your assistance in getting the feedback functionality to work on my site – it’s all ready to launch now at http://ioee.co.uk – as a little thank you I’d like to offer you free membership of the new institute (it’s a national UK government recognised institute – you get to use letters after your name and…[Read more]
Shifra posted an update 14 years, 6 months ago
@justbishop I have 2 questions if you don’t mind.
Why did you choose eshop over wp-ecommerce? (especially since you use cubepoints and wp-ecommerce can use CP’s as money)
and second question is: I saw on wp.org that you used custom field template to make a way for users to only use remote hosted pix in their posts. I’m sitting here staring at…[Read more]
Sorry it’s taken so long for me to answer! I did have a look at wp-ecommerce, but the overwhelming amount of complaints that I saw about it steered me away. I also looked at Shopp, but am not in a position to spend that kind of money on a plugin right now, and eshop seemed to be the most stable and feature rich free plugin I could find.…[Read more]
Felipe Gomez posted an update 14 years, 6 months ago
@justbishop @justbishop do you think you would be able to set up the shop for us? If you don’t respond I’ll understand. Not everyone does work for free or has the time to do extra work X) thanks for your previous help though!
Josh Vermaire posted an update 14 years, 6 months ago
@justbishop Hey @justibishop, I love the way that you setup your feedback on users at clothunderground.com. I’m trying to do something similar so I followed your instructions on a wordpress and can’t make it work. I go to http://www.website.com/feedback/user and nothing shows up. Did you run into this or did it just work? Do I have to customize…[Read more]
OK, I think I might have figured it out. I missed your remark about changing the permalink structure. I found that I had to create a feedback.php file that will run when the parent URL is /feedback/. I do have a question about how each feedback comment works. I see that each user gets their own title for feedback. But where do the individual…[Read more]
by “feedback entries” do you mean the posts titled with member’s names? Sorry, I’m confused by what you’re asking :S
Felipe Gomez posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@justbishop To set it up should i follow instructions from here: https://buddypress.org/community/groups/gallery/forum/topic/clothunderground-com-launching-tomorrow/#post-65931
& What do you mean by Child blogs? Sorry for asking, I’m too new to Buddypress π
You might also want to search around on the wordpress.org forums, as I worked through a lot of the processes I used to create my site in support threads there as well.
By “child blogs” I mean sub-sites in my Multisite installation of WordPress. If you’re not running 3.0 in multisite mode, then you don’t need to worry about that part π
Felipe Gomez posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@justbishop @justbishop do you think you can help us set up a store like yours? We are a music site and would love to have bands sell their merch on our buddypress site π
I didn’t really do anything too special…it’s just a WP 3.0.1 install in MU mode with user blog creation turned off. The child blogs (shops) use the eShop plugin to sell their stuff, and the Blix theme with some custom templates I’ve done for listing shop items in categories, different index page layouts, blogs, etc. What do you have in mind? I…[Read more]
i wish i had money :/ I’m currently a broke college students with a music site haha π My idea was to allow artists to sell their music on my site: noisetrend.com.
I just learned how to install plugins today. I’m a newbie X)
LOL, I hear that! Honestly, most of the stuff I went through putting my site together is publicly chronicled in the various support request threads I started here and on the WP forums. I also got a ton of help on the WP IRC channel, and tried to post on the support threads if I got answers from the chat so those that came after me could find the…[Read more]
BΓΌlent Sakarya posted on the forum topic Displaying Content of Custom Field in Activity Stream in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 7 months ago
Thanks @justbishop i’ve edited my entry.php and it’s look very well now. http://bp.sinavdansinava.com/
And my entry.php is here: http://pastebin.com/VZ1hNBT0 -
guyn posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@justbishop Hi,
Did you ever find a solution to the WordPress MU Sitewide Tags Pages plugin problem (in wordpress 3) I searched the forums but came out empty π-
I had a few issues, which one are you having? Mine is up and running, but excluding posts from one blog is kinda wonky.
But are you sure haven’t you changed the code? The plugin has a lot of WPMU functions that were deprecated and therefore, it should not work with WP3 multisite…. at least, It’s not working on any of my test installs.-
Same problem here.
I tried to install the plugin as is, it passed the install – but the posts were not getting copied.
I simply assumed that the plugin does not support WP3 Multisite – but I’m seeing people who report using it :/
ghostchild posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@justbishop Sorry to bother you but wondered I’m implementing the feedback rating extra comment fields and a bit stuck on getting it into my comments.php and functions.php – not really sure what to put in there – I’ve added the plugin and the field name but from there I’m not really sure – any help would be much appreciated… π
My FTP is being difficult right now, but I’ll try to grab the code that I used and pastebin it for you later tonight π
OK, had to download files from my cpanel file manager. Ick. Anyway, here is my comments.php in it’s entirety:
And here is the portion of functions.php that we’re concerned with (I did it by modifying what was in the functions.php in the plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default folder, but it might be better to move…[Read more]
Fantastic….! You’re my saviour…! Going to implement this today…
Mark posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@justbishop Still struggling with the activity stream – I’m not bothered about logged in content so I just copied and pasted the whole bp-activity-feed-sitewide.php code into a page and it doesnt show up. It just comes through as plain text. Any ideas?
<?php echo '’; ?>
<rss…[Read more]
Here’s my custom template, minus the featured sites area. Should work fine for you, assuming you’re using the default bp theme (or a child of it that is in the same layout), just dump it in your theme root folder.
To use it, create a new page in your WP admin area, and put the content that you want shown to logged…[Read more]
Hi, Firstly thank you so much for taking the time to help. I really appreciate it. I’m not a complete newbie, I have done quite a bit to my page science3point0.com however I’m really struggling with designing the new index page. The activity index is now in my theme root folder, what do you mean by ‘Choose βActivity Indexβ as the template, and…[Read more]
…..apologies….and with a page refresh I have activity index available as a template and we are away, its working on my test site http://www.collabbook.org – Thank you so much. Hopefully one day I can return the favour!
Roger Coathup posted on the forum topic Plugins required in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years, 7 months ago
As @justbishop touched on, posts with Paypal buttons are fine for occasional sales, but don’t cope with all the reporting, inventory control, complex pricing & delivery rules, tax calculations, configurable products, etc … That you might expect an ecommerce extension to handle for you. An etsy type site might well work though with custom post…[Read more]
ghostchild posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@justbishop Just a quick ‘thank you’ for your user feedback how to… awesome stuff… does exactly as it says on the tin!
Kenneth Henderson posted on the forum topic Setting up member profile comments in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 7 months ago
I know @justbishop has setup something like this on here site. (a la ebay sellers)
I am using the BP-Wire plugin that @mercime mentioned and also some other customizations for user to user interaction on my sites.
Mark posted an update 14 years, 7 months ago
@justbishop Hi @justbishop – I love the homepage on your site – I was wanting to get the activity stream on my homepage under some html as you have, do you know what I need to code into the homepage to have the activity stream running underneath?
Also, what plugin do you use for the ‘featured’ section – Any help with this would be amazing.
hi, and thanks! I actually just made a custom page template that had the page content wrapped in a logged in conditional, and I think I just c&p’d the activity stream code under that. from there, it was just a matter of creating the page with the logged out content in it, and assigning my custom template to it. pretty easy peasy π
as for the…[Read more]
Thanks a lot, where do I find the activity stream code?
I don’t remember off the top of my head, but it probably something like plugins/buddypress/themes/bp-default/activity, or if you use a child theme, should be in the activity folder there (if there is one)
domaingu posted on the forum topic Something like "Yahoo! Answer" possible? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 7 months ago
ok got it now – thanks to both @justbishop and @nahummadrid for helping me start the journey.
alanchrishughes posted on the forum topic Adding menu items to the admin bar in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 7 months ago
@justbishop well I’m just playing around with this at work when I should be working, but it seems like this is working for all the user pages.
I don’t know why I didn’t think to look at that sidebar thing a long time ago =P
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Active 1 year, 1 month ago
I’m sorry, I’m not quite sure what you mean about my Claissifieds plugin, as I haven’t written one? If you need to keep the “post” post type open for actual blogging on your main site, I’d say to try the CMS Press plugin to create an all new post type called “classifieds”. Using the CMS Press plugin, you can also add any new taxonomies to the new…[Read more]