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  • @kainelabsteam


    Do you mean you want to restrict the file size of images uploaded? If yes, as I know both bbPress and BuddyPress do not have this feature. You can limit it directly on your server or use another plugin.



    You can see the list of BuddyPress email template on the Emails menu:




    I think you just need to edit the wording of BuddyPress email template on the Emails menu



    @tomdum Seems it will require a custom development work



    @spacex95 You can try this CSS:

    #buddypress span.activity, .item-meta.last-activity, .single-headers .activity {
    display: none !important;



    Please clarify, the error happen when you upload BuddyPress plugin file?



    You can try this plugin

    BuddyPress Group Email Subscription



    Please try changing your theme to the default WordPress theme (such as Twenty Seventeen). And see if the issue is solved or not. If the issue is solved, that means the problem comes because of the theme.

    The best way, you contact the theme author and report this problem to them as only they can give a proper solution.



    You need to install Loco Translate plugin on your website

    Loco Translate

    Go to Loco Translate >> Plugins, and you should see BuddyPress then. You also can check Loco Translate documentation to know how to use this plugin.



    Buddypress does not provide a shortcode for the activity stream. There are only 2 ways to achieve this:

    1. You can create your Activity Feed shortcode which is it will require some custom PHP works

    2. Find a BuddyPress plugin that provides a BuddyPress Activity Feed shortcode.



    You can try to change the Vikinger theme to the default WP theme (Twenty Twenty One, etc). And check again if the issue is solved or not. If the issue is solved, I think you need to update your Vikinger theme to the newest version. You need to contact the Vikinger author too regarding this.



    You can edit the Buddypress.pot file using Poedit software and edit or edit the words using the Loco Translate plugin.



    People can check the list of groups and list of members on the directory page. Usually, the page is “” for the member’s directory and “yourwebsite/com/groups” for the group directory.

    You can see and edit the slug on BuddyPress Settings >> URL tab.

    If the issue is the non logged-on user can not access it, I think it is because there’s a restriction system on your website. Maybe it’s part of a plugin/theme on your website or a code. You need to disable it so people can access your BuddyPress directory.



    1. You can disable all plugins except BuddyPress change your WordPress to the default theme and see if the issue persists or not.

    2. You can check if you add any custom code on the bp-custom.php or functions.php file inside the theme folder. If you have that custom code, you can remove it and see if it fixes the error or not.



    Please, you can share here the critical error that happens on your website.



    Since version 12, BuddyPress has no longer used WordPress pages. That’s why you will not find a page ID on the BP pages.

    A possible solution, you install the BP Classic plugin so the BuddyPress page can use the WP page.



    You’re welcome @ryanbeardy



    You can use this CSS:

    #buddypress #item-header-avatar a {
      pointer-events: none !important;



    You also can try “Reset all BuddyPress slugs to default ones” on the Tools >> BuddyPress. If it also won’t help, I think you need to contact the BP Better Message team for support.



    After changing the settings, what happens if you click the “Messages” tab on your profile?

    Also, if you use any caching plugin, please try to clear it.



    Please try to check “Better Messages Location” on your BP Better Messages settings page. It should be set to “Show in BuddyPress profile” instead of another page.





    You may try disable all non BuddyPress plugin and change your WP theme to default theme for temporary.

    Check site to see if issue still exists. If issue goes away after deactivating other plugins and switching theme then this means that either the theme or one of the plugins was conflicting with BuddyPress. If it turns out to be a plugin/theme conflict, then you need to activate the plugins/theme one by one until you find the plugin/theme that causes the issue to come back.

    If the issue still exists then it is not a plugin or theme conflict. And do these things

    1. If you have a custom code in bp-custom.php, please remove it for temporary
    2. Make sure to use the latest version of BuddyPress
    3. Check your PHP version, and upgrade it to minimum 7.4 version.

    PS: Backup your website first before do those steps!




    You can try to reinstall BuddyPress emails. It’s on Tools >> BuddyPress of your WordPress dashboard.

    You also can try to install a Mail SMTP plugin and do testing to send a test email through the Mail SMTP plugin menu, to make sure if the issue comes from BuddyPress or the Sendgrid.



    Hi @lbnn

    Have you tried the “Multi-line text area” profile type?



    Hi @melbatoast4

    As I know, the Administrator should be counted on the Groups Members. Do you use any plugin or custom code for restriction purpose?

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