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  • KaineLabs Team


    Hi @lbnn

    Have you tried the “Multi-line text area” profile type?

    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @melbatoast4

    As I know, the Administrator should be counted on the Groups Members. Do you use any plugin or custom code for restriction purpose?

    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @mand01

    I don’t think the issue that does not come from Gwangi theme. You may try install WP SMTP plugin and set the mailer as PHP (Default).

    WP Mail SMTP by WPForms

    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @lbnn

    I think this plugin would help

    BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types

    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @diogolinoribeiro

    You may try disable all non BuddyPress plugin and change your WP theme to default theme for temporary.

    Check site to see if issue still exists. If issue goes away after deactivating other plugins and switching theme then this means that either the theme or one of the plugins was conflicting with BuddyPress. If it turns out to be a plugin/theme conflict, then you need to activate the plugins/theme one by one until you find the plugin/theme that causes the issue to come back.

    If the issue still exists then it is not a plugin or theme conflict. And do these things

    1. If you have a custom code in bp-custom.php, please remove it for temporary
    2. Make sure to use the latest version of BuddyPress
    3. Check your PHP version, and upgrade it to minimum 7.4 version.

    PS: Backup your website first before do those steps!

    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @babyface-1 @pycc

    You may try disable all non BuddyPress plugin and change your WP theme to default theme for temporary.

    Check site to see if issue still exists. If issue goes away after deactivating other plugins and switching theme then this means that either the theme or one of the plugins was conflicting with BuddyPress. If it turns out to be a plugin/theme conflict, then you need to activate the plugins/theme one by one until you find the plugin/theme that causes the issue to come back.

    If the issue still exists then it is not a plugin or theme conflict. And do these things

    1. If you have a custom code in bp-custom.php, please remove it for temporary
    2. Make sure to use the latest version of BuddyPress
    3. Check your PHP version, and upgrade it to minimum 7.4 version.

    PS: Backup your website first before do those steps!

    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @osakid8

    I think this issue depend on your server. You may try install WP SMTP plugin and set the mailer as PHP (Default). With that plugin you can test send an email to your friend…

    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @fannysims

    As best I know, people still can send a friend request as long as you still activate the “friends Connection” on BP settings.

    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @dheerajmidha

    1. Please try to update your theme to the newest version

    2. If you use the BP Nouveau, please change it to Legacy

    3. You may also activate debug mode and check if you can see an error message on your front-end

    Debugging in WordPress

    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @wjmverheijen

    Please try install WP Mail SMTP plugin and set the Mailer to PHP (default)

    WP Mail SMTP by WPForms

    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @wjmverheijen,

    You can use translator plugin such as TranslatePress or Loco Translate.

    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @joselawrence

    Have you tried BuddyPress Friends widget?


    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @rshay

    By default, BP has no edit activity post feature. You need a plugin to achieve this.

    However, your members should able to delete their post.

    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @gyrus

    You may can keep everyone register on your site. But you can disable e-mail activation for users. So they account will active if Admin approve it.

    Use this snippet below :

    Add it to the file “bp-custom.php” in the path “wp-content/plugins”.

    Ps: if you didn’t find the file “bp-custom.php”, just create a new one.

    KaineLabs Team


    Hello @dorupiroi

    You may try this CSS

    .buddypress #object-nav ul li span, .buddypress #subnav ul li span {
      display: none !important;

    KaineLabs Team


    KaineLabs Team


    Hello @mehanic321

    Do you mean you want to set a default avatar for members? If yes, you may check this topic

    [Resolved] Changing the default mystery man avatar

    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @joselawrence

    You may select PHP on the wpmail smtp plugin. Also please try this snippet

    Put it on your bp-custom.php file inside folder “wp-content/plugins”.

    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @ditout

    Have you set the “Activate” page on BuddyPress settings page?


    KaineLabs Team


    Hi @sevenkader

    Actually, you can add BuddyPress menu on your website Main Menu. Please check screenshot below


    KaineLabs Team


    Hello @pagecrafterz

    You can try this snippet to add Sidebar on the Members Directory

    Put it on the bp-custom.php file inside folder “wp-content/plugins”. If you don’t have it yet, create a new one.

    KaineLabs Team


    You’re welcome @verogy 🙂

    KaineLabs Team


    Hello @ditout

    I think you need to do a conflict test.

    1. Deactivate all of your plugins except BuddyPress. If this solves the problem, gradually activate your plugins one by one, until you spot the problematic plugin.

    2. Change your WordPress theme to WordPress TwentySeventeen (or other default WordPress theme).

    KaineLabs Team


    Hello @iantiu

    As you use Yozuify together with BuddyPress, I think you can ask about this on the Youzify FB Community or on our WordPress support forum. 🙂

    KaineLabs Team


    It might because your remain members never login into your site yet. That’s why they won’t appear on your member page. There’s only 2 ways to solve the count of members issue

    1. By asking your members to verify and logged in into your site or as admin, you can reset their passwords and then login to activate their account one by one

    3. Use snippets from this URLs

    Paste the snippet on bp-custom.php file (you need to create a new file one) and upload it into wp-content/plugins folder.

    Check your members page, once all members already appear then delete the snippet code.

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