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  • @kamarr


    P.S. I’ve tried adding the code from in index.php from wp-content\plugins\buddypress\bp-templates\bp-legacy\buddypress\members\index.php to the code in my themes index.php however the problem still exist.

    As you stated before I believe creating another directory template in the Buddypress plugin would be best. That way the plugin could still interact within itself, pulling the proper php and css.

    How can I add a custom directory to the plugin to be made available on the BuddyPress Settings page?

    What file should I edit?

    Is there codex on the topic?

    Thanks again



    Thank you Dan for replying!
    The solution is much needed.

    *apologizes, I’m not sure of the proper etiquette for using the @ function. What would be the best way to use that for future references.

    You confirmed my suspicions, that the search function can be drawn from the index.php file located in wp-content\plugins\buddypress\bp-templates\bp-legacy\buddypress\members.

    I agree that assigning the page on the front end would be extremely easier, however I have two directory’s. One custom and one buddypress original.

    The goal is to have more than one directory page with different parameters.

    For example:

    A directory for members who are from the united states only

    vs a directory for members who are artist only

    How could I customize the front-end buddypresss directory setup page to add additional assignable directories?

    for example:
    If I create an addition members-loop.php and name it art-members-loop.php, how would I get that show up on the buddpress front-end under the directory pages set up section as an additional directory set up option?

    Thank you again for your help! It is much needed.



    Currently looking through the codex and combing the web but have not seen anything solution

    Any links that may help would be greatly appreciated.






    Thank you for your assistance!

    The page is now showing a member directory.

    The only things missing now are the member role navigation, filter and search function produced by the index.php file in the plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members-folder. In addition to that it seems the buddypress css is not rendering as well.

    How could I add those functions to the page-custom-members-loop.php?

    *What is the proper etiquette for using the @ function?



    Thanks again.

    I’ve copied the files you provided to the files in the /wp-content/my-theme/buddypress/members – folder. To test it properly I’ve even named the target file local-members-loop.php. However, the page still produces a 404 page not found error.

    The site is running with WordPress 4.4.2 and Buddypress 2.5.2.

    The idea is sound, I wonder what the issue may be.








    Interesting! That may be the key to solving it.

    What line of code did you add?




    Thank you for your response and suggestion! After following the steps and visiting the page, the website produces a 404 page not found error.

    I’ve tried creating the page with in wordpress as a new post just in case, and that produces a blank theme style page with no member directory.

    The approach seems logical. Copying the member-loop.php file, renaming it, and pasting it in wp-content/my-theme/buddypress/members is probably not far from the mark.

    I wonder what should be changed?





    Do you think I would need an outside plugin to accomplish this. or would adding some code to a few files produce a completely independent second member directory.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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