Forum Replies Created
@r-a-y I tried the same thing and that’s what made me think it was… sorry!
First you’d need to find the template tag to output the custom role from the Members plugin (I’m assuming you already know this!)
I did, but I appreciate that.
then in your child theme, copy over /bp-themes/bp-default/groups/single/forum/topic.php (keeping the directory structure intact) and add your Members template tag there
Doh! Easy enough… thanks! I did a lot of reading a couple months ago, but I seem to have forgotten a lot of it! Really appreciate the help. Thanks!
@Andy Peatling Sorry, just saw your response to this… Thanks for the idea, though. : )
@r-a-y Not familiar with the site, so I could be wrong, but I think the last bit of the “learn more here” link may also be an affiliate ID:
Again, could be wrong… : )
I’ve been working on this project off and on, but after coming back to this particular issue and still not seeing a straightforward solution, I decided to just use the PHP explode function. Obviously not completely ideal, but until I find an alternative, in this case, it should do. Here’s what I used in case anyone else would like to know:
$activityText = bp_get_activity_action();
$activityTextNew = explode("post: ", $activityText);
$activityPostTitle = explode('<span class="time-since">', $activityTextNew[1]);
?>Then you use the value of $activityPostTitle[0] for the title of the post:
echo $activityPostTitle[0];
?>Obviously this is dependent on the default text for bp_get_activity_action.
@smuda: Did you notice the link that Boone posted? A little farther down on that page there’s an example of how to display comments.
Also, there’s an activity loop example at the top of the page. (Heads-up: The only thing I noticed with the comments is mine didn’t appear right away with that. I’m not sure if there’s a cache issue or not.)
EDIT: Hmmm… comment count still not appearing for me. Doesn’t mean it’s not a cache issue, I guess. But, I’d say it’s obviously still worth a shot for you smuda.
@Boone I’ll keep that in mind about the widget!
@Andy That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.
One more question, though just slightly off topic: Is there a way to access the activity (post) title itself? As I said, I’m trying to create a customized appearance. So, I don’t want: “John wrote a blog post on:”, but rather, just the post title. I’m able to draw the time since info by itself, but I can’t seem to figure out how to isolate just the post title. I’ve been through bp-activity-templatetags.php testing out some of the functions and looking over the code, but I can’t seem to figure it out… Any ideas?
Thanks so much!
Thanks for the recommendation! I’m going to have to read up on that. I’m still very new to BuddyPress, but I really like it. As a quick test, I copied/pasted the loop from the example Activity Stream Loop, and it seemed to work just fine. So, with some “tweaking”, I think it’ll be what i need.
BTW – round here I don’t think bumping is too taboo, but the 13 hours between Friday night and Saturday morning are generally not a very busy time on the forums
LOL! For the first part: good to know! For the second, well, the fact that it’s a “busy time” for me is only further proof I need to get out more!
Thanks again!
I know bumping isn’t good forum etiquette, but… any ideas on this? Again, other functions and features of BuddyPress are working just fine. But, I can’t seem to get this function to work. I’d really appreciate any help or insights! Thanks!!!
Haven’t tried it yet, but from the sounds of it: awesome addition. I’ll download it and check it out. Thanks for your work and effort!
I just downloaded this, so I haven’t installed it yet. But, just wondering how hard it would be, or is it even possible, to do a search between two fields, such as an age range. (eg: Find all users between ages of 25-35). Could this work? Thanks!
Okay, I got sidetracked by a couple of client phone calls. Just sat down to take a look at the file. A forward slash appears to be the culprit. Deleting it seemed to work for me:
var someUrl = “/?bp_geo_index=” + num + “&bp_geo_last_loc=” + lastLoc + “&bp_geo_last_lat=” + lastLat + “&bp_geo_last_lon=” + lastLon + “&bp_geo_last_user=” + lastUser + “&_ajax_nonce=” + bpGeoNonce;
var someUrl = “?bp_geo_index=” + num + “&bp_geo_last_loc=” + lastLoc + “&bp_geo_last_lat=” + lastLat + “&bp_geo_last_lon=” + lastLon + “&bp_geo_last_user=” + lastUser + “&_ajax_nonce=” + bpGeoNonce;
EDIT:Again, this is inside of the buddyPressGeoRebuild function, in Geo.js.
Also: Searching by zip appears to function just the same as by city. Hope that helps you guys out. I’m going to go test to see how new users sync up. I’ll post back to see what I find.
I had e-mailed one of the developers, and he stated that it’s designed to run on a city/state field (eg: cleveland, oh), and was unsure if a zip would work correctly. However, check out the URL when you input a zip for the search “near location”: It turns the zip into the proper lat & long values. So, assuming your users are indexed, it looks promising that a zip can be used. (For the time being, I input values for my users into the DB table myself. However, it doesn’t seem they’re properly indexed this way, as they don’t appear through searching near their location. In addition, and most importantly, this isn’t automatic as it should be.)
@shaisimchi: The developer I spoke with also said to check the JS error console when you click the “here” link. I did that, and there were no errors. However, by doing some rudimentary JS debugging, it appears the error is coming during the call to the buddyPressGeoRebuild function in Geo.js, (at least for me). In particular, it’s the jQuery.get that seems to be causing the issue. I’m just sitting back down to play around with it, so I’ll let you know if I find the issue and, hopefully, a solution. If you get the chance to look at it and happen to figure it out, please let me know as well.
I’m actually having the same issue as shaisimchi. I’ve been playing around with it, but haven’t found the solution. I only had some test users, so I tried deleting those and re-creating users. No dice. Any input would be great. Thanks!
@jamesyeah: I’m pretty sure the fields just need to be instantiated. I’m using a location field from the base group. It took me a while to figure out, but all I had to do was go into edit profile, add data to the field I wanted to use for the location, and select save. Then, that field will show up in the admin drop-down. (If you look at the PHP code, it checks that there is a value for that field. That’s how I figured out what I needed to do.)
Hope that makes sense. May not even be what you were talking about! : )
I’d like to use this on a current project I have, but being a BP/WPMU newbie, I’m a little lost about setting it up. I have it installed, I’m just not sure about what goes in the following fields:
“Which group contains the location information?”
“Which field represents each user’s location?”
“Which field represents a description for each user (i.e. ‘About Me’)?”
Any chance any one else has used this and could give me a quick breakdown of what they’re for, and how I’d go about setting them up. I would’ve posted on the BraveNewCode forums, but I guess those are down for a while. Also, I can’t find any documentation on the site for it.
I’m now using another 3rd party plugin for membership to the site (WP eMember). While it has its own table, it also creates a matching WP user for each of the members it creates. I was thinking of adding some code to add users to a group on creation of their profile, and then using this group as the group that “contains the location information”. Am I on the right track?
Thanks in advance for any help!
Okay, great. Thanks for clearing it up for me. Really appreciate the help!
Thanks so much for the reply Travel-Junkie. So, basically option 3: a custom profile field added to the registration form? I added a couple of these for other purposes and saw how the data is stored. Again, may be a stupid question, but I’m a WPMU/BP newbie! My only concern was that I assume the data would be erased if the drop-down itself were somehow removed by my client.
BTW: Users can only create accounts for the main blog. They don’t have blogging privileges themselves.
Thanks again!
Awesome guys… thanks for the replies. Now I feel stupid having asked… but glad to know it’s not hard.
Thanks again!