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  • @kerchmcc


    I’m having trouble with updated to PHP 8.0 as well.. and the link to github is not particulalrly helpful if you (*I*) don’t know what it all means. Can you help, please?



    Sorry @mike80222
    I think I had enought other troubles that I didn’t figure this out.. or I forgot.
    I’ll look again.

    Thanks for the words about the update. I think I’ll wait too.



    As I continue to try to figure this out, I’ve found MANY more people who do not show up in the directory who should… especially people who HAVE been active on the site.
    I have switched to be that user, the profile looks fine. But if I clicked on the directory from that user, it kicks me back to the Join page.



    Additionally, in the database _bp_activity all members show the last active date of today, just now. PMPro shows membership of 565. The buddypress count is just 301.



    I WISH I could say that worked.. but it did not. Same number of members as before.
    Tried repair total members and repair last activity.

    When you say “run once” does that mean if I ran it 6 months ago.. and it was fine… that I can’t run it again?



    WP 5.5.1
    Memberlite (child theme)
    BP 6.3.0
    BP Theme Nouveau

    I put this code in my functions.php file. Refreshed the site. It slowed the load down to 20SECONDS. Then I removed the code… and the number of members still does not reflect the full number of members (whether they ever activated or not).
    Interestingly, I used this code (I think) several months ago and it worked like it should. Then the site crashed and I had to put everything back. Much was updated since that first run.



    HERE YOU GO! I was in the boat with you all. Just sorted out today!

    I don’t ever want to sort by last active



    FINALLY.. got this sorted out.
    Check the gist here:
    When installed it shows ALL members whether they have ever been active.

    put the file in /yourCHILDtheme/buddypress/members/members-loop.php
    and then in .css hide filter: #dir-filters {display: none;}

    THANK YOU @kimwhite

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