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  • @leonardoarias


    I enabled the auto-refresh and used Firebug. No errors are found. And I did purge my cache. It’s very odd.



    @danbp Sorry for the links. They were fake urls anyway.
    Yes, the activity component has an assigned page.
    The problem happens with all the default themes from wordpress.

    I thought so. But my javascript is enabled. Tried from different browsers and computers.
    And yes, I installed Buddypress from the Wp admin dashboard.


    UPDATE: I “temporarily” solved the problem. I just disabled “Activity Auto-refresh: Automatically check for new items while viewing the activity stream”. Now, it works.

    But, I would like to use the Activity Autorefresh. But I feel we are getting closer to the problem. Do you know what file is used for the “Activity Auto-refresh” feature? So I can debug even further and see what is causing the conflict.





    Hi, I know you posted this long ago but I just faced the same issue, and was able to come up with a temporal fix.

    As you mentioned, there is a limit of 5 posts there, to get displayed. just change them to a bigger number. i changed to 50 so the site works, until i can find a better solution.

    To maje the change, just go to:


    then edit this code, to be 50:

    /* Hide long lists of activity comments, only show the latest five root comments. */
    function bp_dtheme_hide_comments() {
    	var comments_divs = jq('div.activity-comments');
    	if ( !comments_divs.length )
    		return false;
    	comments_divs.each( function() {
    		if ( jq(this).children('ul').children('li').length  li');
    		var comment_lis = jq(this).children('ul').children('li');
    		var comment_count = ' ';
    		if ( jq('li#' + parent_li.attr('id') + ' a.acomment-reply span').length )
    			var comment_count = jq('li#' + parent_li.attr('id') + ' a.acomment-reply span').html();
    		comment_lis.each( function(i) {
    			/* Show the latest 50 root comments */
    			if ( i < comment_lis.length - 50 ) {
    				if ( !i )
    					jq(this).before( '
  • ' + BP_DTheme.show_all + ' ' + comment_count + ' ' + BP_DTheme.comments + '
  • ' ); } }); }); }

    Hope its not too late to help! 🙂



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