15 years, 8 months ago
Yes. I used bphome and bdmember theme from BuddyPress 1.0.3 package. (I delete old one and upload new)
Here is my instalation for test purposes:
Maybe it will help to sole my problem.
I know that problem is have to be on server side. I was installing BP at my local Wamp instalation and at Zeus Web serwer. – Works fine
Here is phpinfo http://loger.outsider.pl/phpinfo.php
15 years, 9 months ago
Yes, I know that I should use CSS but when I try to use it I only get more problems. Unfortunetly for me only tables work for me after 3 day of trying.
Firebug have a problems whit code to. Some of CSS values didn’t show up in firebug console.
Finally i solved my problem. I leave answer maybe someone use it at future.
First I edit “page.php” file by adding table. Structure of file is look like this:
Then edit base.css by removing content 65% width.
Edit sidebar.php to something like this:
<div id=”sidebar”>
[right-column] (i take code from home.php)
in base.css file add 50% width for [blog-sidebar] and [right-colum]
Add new widgets for righ-column, and thats all.