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  • @lriggle


    @brajesh & @andy The plugin-template.php was what I was looking for. I have extra text in the content-header of all my profile pages, and just needed to add it to this section too.

    Thanks a bunch!!



    Can’t wait to start using this plugin! Thanks Andy!




    The theme I’m building is a parent theme, so I put the code I posted above in the single.php file. This is the page that shows a single blog post.



    I can’t even find where you create a forum topic in the new integrated BBPress.



    Worked first time! Thanks for the tip!!!



    To get my blog comments to link to their Buddypress Member profiles, I had to create a custom comment function (explained here: ) and then create a link around the avatar. In the link I used <?php echo bp_core_get_userlink( $comment->user_id, false, true ) ?> as the href value.



    21CDB’s code works fine with my theme. I’d like my custom page to be in a sub-folder instead of in my root directory, though.

    define('CS_INTUITION_SLUG', 'intuition');

    function show_intuition_page()
    add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'show_intuition_page', 2 );

    function bp_show_intuition_page() {
    global $bp, $current_blog;

    if ( $bp->current_component == CS_INTUITION_SLUG && $bp->current_action == '' )
    // The first variable here must match the name of your template file below
    bp_core_load_template( 'intuition', true );
    add_action( 'wp', 'bp_show_intuition_page', 2 );

    When I remove the intuition.php file from my root directory, and make an intuition directory with an index.php in it, it doesn’t seem to work (I get 404’s). If I try and change what the value of the slug and the template are as well, I still get 404’s.




    Oh that might be just what I need! Thanks!!



    I haven’t tried it yet, I’ll do that when I get home this evening.

    Mangaa: did you use both the grey blocks in Brajesh’s post?



    Thanks guys, I’ll take a look!



    @ John James Jacoby

    Thanks for the info! I’ve verified that all my Keys and Salts are the identical, and double checked that the deep integration code given here ( has the correct path.

    I’m not sure where else to check for cookie issues.

    I’ll look into the redirection plugins for my other issue.




    Hi Guys!

    I’m also having 2 niggling issues with this plugin. 1) If I’m logged out of wordpress AND bbpress, and I log into bbpress, the buddybar doesn’t change from the logged out status. If I click the login link on the buddybar through the forums and log in, it redirects me back to the blog homepage, not the page I clicked from.

    Here’s what I’m running…

    WPMU 2.8.2

    Buddypress 1.0.3

    bbPress 1.0.1




    I guess my problem is I don’t really know how, but I’ll figure it out.





    I don’t believe we have any issues with sub domains in that respect. We’ve had users sign up to the site and create blogs at the same time, and the blogs and their sub-domains seem to be created and work just fine. We’ve also manually created blogs (not via buddypress but in WPMU) and those also work just fine.

    @Brajesh Singh

    Here are the plugins we have activated:

    – WordPress Video Plugin

    – Buddypress

    – BPDEV Core

    — BPDEV Flickr

    — BPDEV YouTube

    – Featured Member Widget



    Ah gotcha. So I didn’t totally misunderstand how the home theme worked.

    Good to know!! :D



    That worked great, thanks!



    Yes, I do believe the sites are temporary. Even if they’re not, after the duration of the event, they will only be visible for posterity, and not as an actively maintained site.

    The final decisions regarding hosting haven’t been made though, and I will include this information in my reports and documentation.

    Thank you so much for the information!


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