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  • @mairaj


    If you like to keep using Yoast for WordPress pages and exclude BuddyPress from using Yoast, you may try this.

    function wpseo_fix_title_buddypress($title) {
        // Check if we are in a buddypress page 
        if ( function_exists( 'buddypress') && ( !empty( buddypress()->displayed_user->id ) || !empty( buddypress()->current_component ) ) ) {
            $bp_title_parts = bp_modify_document_title_parts();
            // let's rebuild the title here
            $title = $bp_title_parts['title'] . ' ' . $title;
        return $title;
    add_filter( 'wpseo_title', 'wpseo_fix_title_buddypress');






    I have somehow got this working. And I have the entire user data copied to the new location, Yay! 🙂

    Now, the new problem is I cannot log in to the WordPress dashboard 🙁

    Since I have dropped the users related tables of the new site and replaced them with the users related tables imported from the old site, I tried to log in with my admin credential (of the old site) which went through.

    However, my admin username of the old site is no longer an admin in the new site! So, there is actually no admin user at all. How do I log in now?

    Thank you for all the help 🙂




    If I try to import the exported tables (sql file) in the new location’s database, following error occurs :

    <br />
    SQL Error



    Ok thank you! I was by the way referring to the custom xprofile fields that I have on my current site (the multisite one that I have now).

    I assume when I import the back up database file to the new site those custom xprofile fields would be created automatically.



    Thank you for the reply 🙂 Since you have suggested to export TABLES OF WP_xprofile, I believe I don’t need to create any xprofile fields in the new installation.



    Any help for me please?




    Great! I will post there now. I was actually posting at the plugin’s WordPress page –

    Thank you 🙂



    you can create points and rename them to what you want

    Yes, that’s true 🙂 however I want members to give points to each other.

    I can see there is an option of point transfer, but that means one transfers his / her earned points to other. So for example if A has 100 points and he wants to give B 10 point. A’s balance will be debited by 10 and A is left with 90. This is not what I want.

    I want members to give points to each other without losing / spending their own points. As I said above, every rank / level will have only certain points giving power.

    Thank you for the help 🙂

    I would also want to limit the number of times a member can give points to others in a day + a member can give points to a particular member only once a day.



    Figured out that there could be multiple type of points. So I think the myCred plugin can help me have Credits and Karmas at the same time.

    Now, I want the members to be able to give Karmas to each other. The number / count of Kramas that a member can give to other member will be based on member’s rank, for example

    Level 1 member can give 5 Karmas
    Level 2 can give 10
    Level 3 can give 20 and so on.

    I need help on the above or may be direction to some place where I can get some help.

    Thank you



    Thank you for the help 🙂

    It seems myCred is working fine for the ‘Credits’ systems but not for ‘Karmas’. I have requested help from myCred. Thank you again 🙂



    I have narrowed down to the point that I can say editing following code breaks the registration.

    define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);

    Whether I change ‘true’, to ‘false’ or remove the code or comment out the code, registration system breaks.

    Any ideas on this?
    Thank you.



    Okay, so yes the website is working however new registrations are not going through. When I click ‘Complete Sign Up’ the registration page refreshes and comes back blank just with the heading ‘Create an Account’ no registration form on the page.

    No activation email sent, tried all basic possibilities, deactivated all plugins, just buddypress is active. Cannot do any registrations.

    Please help



    Voila! Just removed surise.php and its reference from wp-config.php and all is good now. Multiste gone and I have my site single and working.

    Thank you all very very much 🙂



    Hello @mercime @hnla I started this thread more than a year ago and I have never been able to remove MultiSite from my website.

    By the guidance provided by @eisenwasser I have created a clone of my website on another hosting account elsewhere. This clone installation is 100% functioning like my original website and now I am ready to do all the experiments safely.

    I have followed again all the steps here – and now see the following error message –

    Notice: wpdb::escape is deprecated since version 3.6! Use wpdb::prepare() or esc_sql() instead. in /public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 2913
    No site defined on this host. If you are the owner of this site, please check Debugging a WordPress Network for help.

    I request you to kindly help me with the current situation so that I can successfully remove MultiSite from my website.

    Many thanks!



    Also, in the settings here – I have set up following message -`

    Dear User,

    Your new account is set up.

    You can log in with the following information:
    Username: USERNAME
    Password: PASSWORD


    –The Team @ SITE_NAME`

    However, what my users are receiving is this –

    Thanks for registering! To complete the activation of your account please click the following link:

    Its a MultiSite installation.



    @mucus this can be done using S2member



    Hello @hnla

    I have a Micro Business and I have total 5 websites all belong to this business only. I don’t posses any technical knowledge but WordPress / BuddyPress is simple enough that it allowed me create my websites.

    I thought keeping all my websites together will let me easily update and maintain them. However I discovered some issues while running BP and NON-BP sites together specially SEO compatibility.

    NOW, I have 2 separate installations :
    1. A MultiSite that has 4 websites all NON-BP [No issues here, all fine]
    2. A MultiSite that has only 1 website BuddyPress enabled and I want to disable/remove MS here.

    The problems that I’m facing are discussed here :

    Kind regards



    Hi @mercime ,
    My Installation is :
    WordPress : 3.5
    BuddyPress : 1.6.2
    I (myself) wanted to have my 5 websites in the multisite. 1 main site (BuddyPress) + 4 sub-sites Just WordPress (Not BuddyPress). I don’t offer sites to members.

    I have taken back up using Simple Backup. It backs up

    1. SQL which is fine approx 7 MB
    2. Server files 800 MB! I’m wondering if a backup becomes required how long it will take.

    Please advice if the above file size is normal?




    Hello @mercime

    Thank you for your reply.

    Deactivate all plugins and change to Twenty Twelve theme. (Deactivate all, including buddypress?).

    My members are registered on the network, once multisite is removed will my members still be their?



    This plugins seems to be saying what I’m trying to achieve. However its not updated for more than a year and not working now.



    @modemlooper Hello and thank you again for your help. What I wanted was fully achieved with the code you provided. This is fine and working very nicely however now I wish to keep a few member profiles out of this restriction. Basically Admins and moderators, I want to allow only these members’ profiles accessible by subscribers (In addition to their own, which is already working).

    The setup at the moment is as follows:

    1. Subscribers can only see and maintain their own profiles.
    2. s2members level 1 and Admins can see others profiles too.

    What I want now is:

    Subscribes can see a few selected members’ profiles too (May we define them either by role or by their id to exclude from the restriction?).

    Any ideas on this?

    Thank you very much.




    THANKS A TON!!! You have made me achieve 100% of what I was thinking of, your fix has worked like a charm..

    Unfortunately I do not know php as yet so I could not make your entire code work for me but yes a combination of what you have given and what I had has done the trick.

    I picked up `&& !is_admin()` from your code and edited `&& !user_can( $user, $capability )` to `&& !current_user_can(access_s2member_level1)` and added it to the piece of code I had. This worked totally!

    I’m truly thankful to you.
    I wish you all the very best for the good work you do :-)



    Sorry but I do not know php, can you recommend me a place where someone may do it for me for a fee?
    Thank you very much for your time and help.




    Thank you very much that you replied. No, I have been trying to find a solution for this for more than a month at BuddyPress forums, S2member forums and everywhere else I could find people talking about BuddyPress but no luck!

    S2member support has said that this is not possible, they suggest uri restrictions but a uri restriction prevents user from seeing their own profile too.

    If for example I restrict /profile/ a member will not be able to see his/her own profile. I somewhere found a custom uri /members/%%displayed_username%%/ but that too blocks members from own profiles.

    Please put some light on the idea you have in mind.

    Thank you very much for your time and help.

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