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Host Magi

About Me

I have been involved in WordPress since 2005. I have devoted my professional life to WordPress as a freelancer, in my career, and now in my own businesses. I have a background in hosting and design, but my passions are teaching, securing, and managing WordPress.

I am married to an amazing woman and together we have 4 beautiful children. When I am not working in WordPress, I am with my family, riding my 4-wheeler, or airgun hunting.

Website URL

Current Location


WordPress Origin Story

I originally discovered WordPress in 2005. At first, I was not overly impressed and sort of saw it as “yet another blogging platform”, like the many others that were popping up at the time. But because I am an open source enthusiast, I followed the project. By mid/late 2006, I had become fairly impressed with the project, so I started my first WordPress blog. By early 2007, I had fallen irrevocably n love with WordPress. I began building small throwaway sites, for the sole purpose of learning everything I could about WordPress.
In 2009, after working countless dead-end factory and temp jobs, I decided to start taking WordPress more seriously and began working towards making it a career. I started doing freelance jobs building sites for local businesses, then spent some time freelancing on UpWork. In 2013, I started the Des Moines WordPress Meetup group. That same year I started a small shared hosting company called HostMagi. As life was super busy at the time, the company kind of got put to the side.

In 2014 I attended and spoke at my first WordCamp, WordCamp Omaha. Shortly after that, I was hired by InMotion Hosting where I spent a year before moving to Missouri and eventually going to work for A2 Hosting. Then in 2017, I was hired by Pressable where I worked as a customer success engineer. Later in 2017, I founded WP Top Hat to bring my vision of WordPress maintenance and hosting to the WordPress community. I sold WP Top Hat in 2019.

My first company, Host Magi, had continued to serve customers during this time, but without a major focus on growth, more or less as a hobby. In 2023,I decided to revive and reinvent Today Host Magi exists as the most comprehensive and complete managed WordPress platform available by offering features that usually require multiple providers in a single platform.

I continue to contribute to the WordPress community by speaking at WordCamps, teaching WordPress to others for free, and participating in various WordPress forums, slack groups, and social media.



Host Magi Inc

Job Title



Air rifle & crossbow hunting
The outdoors
OpenSource software

WordPress Usage

Personal, Business




Hours per week


Contributor Teams

Hosting Team, Support Team, Training Team, TV Team

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