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  • @marcaurel75


    “They must also have higher than subscriber access. ” That was it!!!! Thanks!

    Is there a way to change that, so that subscribers will also have their blogs in the “my blogs” menu? Which file do I have to alter to achieve it?



    I am running BP 1.2.1.

    I read the other threads – and hoped that 1.2.1 would solve the case. But it didn’t…

    I deactived all other plugins – but when I register a new test user all the time “my blogs” remains empty – no matter if the blog ist public or private.

    Is there a way to reset the table wp_bp_user_blogs. I once changed an entry by hand, maybe that corrupted the system?!?



    Thanks a million for the super fast answer!!! :)



    The thing is: I only thought I had deactivated the bp-plugin completely (via backend).

    I guess it was removed from the active_sitewide_plugins-field in the sitemeta-table in the database – but it was not removed from the wpmu_sitewide_plugins-field in the same table.

    So the site still worked (no HTTP-500-error), and the umlaut-issue with the p2-theme remained.

    When I then removed the bp-plugin-entry via phpmyadmin from both fields, the “main blog” didn’t appear anymore (error 500), but the two “sub blogs” I have still functioned. And the one sub blog with the P2-theme worked then without the umlaut-issue.

    I hope this clears things up a bit.

    So for me it is pretty clear that the bp-plugin somehow interferes with the P2-editor and causes the umlaut-issue.



    I deactivated all plugins via phpmyadmin – in the sitemeta-table as well as in the options-table of the single blogs (there are 3 in my installation right now).

    So the HTTP-500-Error disappeared. And all of a sudden the P2-theme worked properly as well.

    This means: the regular deactivation via backend of the buddypress-plugin didn#t really work. The umlaut-issue with P2-theme seems related to buddypress.



    HELP! Since I tried to reactivate the BP plugin I receive a HTTP 500 error when I try to reach the site… mpf!



    I’ll check it. Thanks for the support!



    Doing more research I found the following thread in the wp-forum:


    Mippe: P2 brokes äÄ öÖ åÅ letters when editing. That pretty much sums it all up.

    noel (Administrator): We’re aware of the issue and will fixing this in the next release.

    But I am still unsure: This problem then occurs only with WordPress MU?



    I deactivated the BP-plugin. Problem remains. So it’s probably an issue with WordPress MU and the P2-theme?!

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