Renato Alves replied to the topic GUIDE: How to create your very own activity feed template from scratch(almost) in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years ago
@matt-mcfarland very great guide. It is really helpful for us not PHP developer who thinks that accomplishing something like that would be hard work to do.
If you may, I’d recommend working this tutorial better and adding it to the Codex page. You talked in your guide that something like this hasn’t in the Codex, so please, add to it. The…[Read more]
TPdaking#7782 replied to the topic Notifications tab still break site in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 2 months ago
@matt-mcfarland I switched to the parent theme and the same thing so dont know…will wait for update from theme author
Henry replied to the topic I need to get just the content string and just the activity update string in the forum Installing BuddyPress 11 years, 2 months ago
@matt-mcfarland glad to see you got this resolved!
Henry replied to the topic I need to get just the content string and just the activity update string in the forum Installing BuddyPress 11 years, 3 months ago
cc @modemlooperI recently had to find activity item info outside the loop and came across a nifty little function
which can be used like so$activity = bp_activity_get_specific( array( 'activity_ids' => $activity_id ) );
$activity = $activity['activities'][0];You can then do stuff like
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