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  • @mikegarlick


    Yes I’ve done all the usual error testing and still no joy. Well I mainly use google chrome but I always test it my work in the other major browsers (IE FF Safari).

    I wonder if this has something to do with the ajax stuff since Ive also now found out that the delete a comment button doesnt do anything except set off the processing giff in the button and also after clicking the add friends button doesnt change the button or page but upon refreshing the request has been sent correctly.

    Can anybody help



    can anyone help with this. Im getting desperate…



    I am having the same issue with the friend button not doing anything except spinning but this also extends to most similar types of buttons like deleting/favoriting/commenting on activity posts. nothing happens.

    Is this an ajax problem? i have read through this thread but cant see any good answer to the problem?

    wordpress version 3.5
    buddypress version Version 1.6.1



    Fixed it. My own stupid fault for not including `global $bp;`.
    sorry for wasting your time.



    This is adding to the database and the site wide activity but not to the personal activity feed

    `$project_link = ‘’.$user_name.’/portfolio/view/?project=’.$project_id.”;
    $action = ‘@’.$user_name.’ has just added a new project ‘;
    $activity_content = ‘‘.$album_title.’‘;

    bp_activity_add ( array(
    ‘action’ => $action,
    ‘content’ => $activity_content,
    ‘primary_link’ => $project_link,
    ‘component’ => ‘activity’,
    ‘type’ => ‘activity_update’,
    ‘user_id’ => $bp->loggedin_user->id,
    ‘item_id’ => $bp->displayed_user->id



    actually it shows up on the sitewide activity but not on the personal one. things wrong with it though is that there is no avatar, @username link and the $project_link doesnt show either



    yeah it does but it doesn’t show up on the activity feed.




    Buddypress Version 1.6.2
    Wordpress Version 3.5

    it uses the default theme



    if i press Escape key immediately after clicking the comment button it stops the page refresh



    Thanks for the reply. I understand I could do that but its not quite what I’m after.

    I want to be able to filter a custom post type with the details provided in the xprofile. The problem i have is that the data field i want to search by has many items in them (tick box list of attributes). I dont know how to explode them all (if explode is the correct php term??)

    What im making is a custom post type of jobs advertised on the site and when they get to that index of posts i nead to search the posts custom fields or tags with their xprofile data field.

    I hope that makes sense



    I am looking to do something similar.

    I want to be able to filter a custom post type with the details provided in the xprofile.



    @modemlooper I used your code above to get the tab working named ‘Test’ and its working fine. Thanks for that. I used it in a child theme custom functions file i have there. Is there any way I can have a separate file that contains the content for that section( currently “weeee content” ).

    Thanks in advance



    Can no body help me with this?



    is the codex site for buddypress always down? i can’t access that site at all?



    sorry. thank you for the reply by the way.



    where would i put that? if its in the functions.php file can i not have a seperate for the content of that page?



    I have literally search for days and days to find a straight forward way to do this. Why is this not a more common request?? It seems natural to need/want to add sections to your bp profiles. I dont want to use the plugins i have found as they dont do what I want. Its becoming really frustrating to solve this issue.



    How would I call it to sit alongside the other sections (activity/profile/groups etc..)

    This new section after i finish coding it will be a file upload section for images that i then can call on later to output in various jquery slideshows. I dont just want a blank page.

    hope that makes sense?

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