Forum Replies Created
@blackphantom: not forum, just live status tweets.
@geoffm33: no, I’m not using filters.
Another thing: messages sent BP>Twitter return to BP vÃa Twitter>BP and show twice in BP activity. I don’t know if is possible fix that.
Fantastic upgrade! Now it works fine. No problems with characters and pefect integration. Just a thing, in TweetDeck, latin characters appear as html code. Twitter web shows it fine.
Thanks and congratulations!
OK. Eureka!!! The problem is that the plugin doesn’t send BP status to twitter when it includes latin characters like á, é, í, ó, ú, ¿, ¡, etc…
It explains why sometimes ‘works’ and sometimes doesn’t. Really always works… for english language
An update incluing this characters?
Thanks for the work, blackphantom, but I still have the problem BP>Twitter. Sometimes work and sometimes don’t. Now, with 1.1.3, ‘to twitter’ buttom doesn’t ad ‘#TWITTER’ tag to the message.
@Andy Done!
Can you believe this? Suddenly, things have changed. I have touched anything and now Twitter>BP OK but BP>Twitter wrong again. A cycling work?
WPMU 2.9.1 / BP 1.2
Something must be wrong in my installation o perhaps a plugins conflict. BP>Twitter OK / Twitter>BP wrong. Saved settings an authorize again, but nothing changes
Thanks, blackphantom. With the new version Twitter to BP works OK. Now is BP to Twitter the problem, but I’ll wait a while and tell you. Twitter permissions are OK.
Thanks for this plugin. I have a problem: Twitter to BP works fine, but BP to Twitter don’t. My BP installation is not in the default blog (#1), it’s at blog #11. Would it be the problem?