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  • @mnctigah


    I realize that my post may seem overwhelming, especially for an online help forum, but I was trying to be all inclusive and provide as much info as possible. It would take someone really motivated to go through my attached files in the first post. It basically comes down to the relevant portion of my page source using BP 1.5 which is as follows….

    <input type="hidden" value="6320|4922|4554" (TRUNCATED FOR SPACE CONSIDERATIONS) name="user_id_list"/><input type="hidden" value="6326" name="user_id_list"/>
    	<div id="pag-top" class="pagination">
    		<div class="pag-count" id="member-dir-count-top">
    			Viewing member 1 to 1 of 1		</div>
    		<div class="pagination-links" id="member-dir-pag-top">
    	<ul id="members-list" class="item-list">
    	<input type="button" name="smPrintSearchResult" onClick="return SubmitLongSearchForm('smPrintSearchResult');" value="Print This Search Result" />
    	 <input type="button" onClick="return SubmitLongSearchForm('smDownloadExcel');" name="smDownloadExcel" value="Download Excel Spreadsheet" />	<input type="hidden" name="memberdirectoryAction" id="memberdirectoryAction" value="" />
    	function SubmitLongSearchForm(action)
    		return false;
    	<input type="hidden" name="show_profile" value="0"/><input type="hidden" name="show_s2m" value="1"/>	
    			<!--<div class="item-avatar">
    				<a href=""></a>
    			<div class="item" style="clear: both;">
    			<h5><a href="">Ronnie Romero</a></h5><br>150 Winding Creek, Lake Charles,  LA,  70611,  USA<br>2000 Aliner Classic<br>337.322.3404&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br><table class="search_table">
    							<td>Member #: 3643</td>
    							<td>Member Type: Member</td>
    							<td>Username: rromero1</td>
    							<td>Has Email: YES</td>
    							<td>Exp Date: 08/16/2017</td>
    							<td>Join Date: 08/17/2014</td>
    							<td>Last Expire Update: 12/14/2015</td>
    							<td>Last Record Update: 12/14/2015</td>
    							<td colspan="2">Member Requests: </td>
    							<td colspan="2">Admin Comments: </td>
    				<div class="item-meta"><span class="activity"></span></div>
    			<div class="action">
    			<div class="clear"></div>
    	<div id="pag-bottom" class="pagination">
    		<div class="pag-count" id="member-dir-count-bottom">
    			Viewing member 1 to 1 of 1		</div>
    		<div class="pagination-links" id="member-dir-pag-bottom">

    As opposed to the page source using BP 2.4…

    <h3>Member Search Results</h3>
    	<!-- #members-dir-search -->
    			<div id="members-dir-list" class="members dir-list">
    	<div id="message" class="info">
    		<p>Sorry, no members were found.</p>

    My members-loop on pastebin…





    PHP Fatal Error: Cannot assign by reference to overloaded object in …/bp-core/bp-core-catchuri.php on line 320

    The original codebase:

    // Make the queried/post object an actual valid page
    	if ( !empty( $object_id ) ) {
    		$wp_query->queried_object    = &get_post( $object_id );
    		$wp_query->queried_object_id = $object_id;
    		$post                        = $wp_query->queried_object;

    Edited to relect:

    // Make the queried/post object an actual valid page
    	if ( !empty( $object_id ) ) {
    		$wp_query->queried_object    = get_post( $object_id );
    		$wp_query->queried_object_id = $object_id;
    		$post                        = $wp_query->queried_object;



    Correction to one of the above cited thread links…



    Thanks for the response…

    The short answer is no.

    I am making use of NextGEN 2.0.79 on the production site (pre WP and BP upgrades). But on the development box, all plugins have been disabled for troubleshooting purposes. I was made aware of a couple of issues in your reference link at and also at So I’ve tried to remedy before actually posting.

    That plugin leaves a lot to be desired though. I’ve had problems with simply upgrading it on the production site. I have also visited their support forums with regards to BuddyPress compatability issues… But as stated above, not active.



    Thanks for the answers.

    Taking it a bit further… I played around with the wpDataTables plugin which allows me to enter SQL queries into an interface and display database info into a table with options to export as PDF or CSV. The problem arises if I use BuddyPress XProfile Data plugin. Serialized array and SQL.

    I also looked at Gravity Forms (with the User Registration Add-On). This handshakes with BuddyPress. GravityView, an additional plugin, allows me to access, extract, and display serialized data from the database, and then generate the desired PDF and CSV Membership Directory. A bit clunky, but then as luck would have it, there are conflicts with my theme (TwentyThirteen). When initially visiting the site, a manual refresh of the page needs to be done in order for GravityView’s search page to display correctly. And then the desired output (PDF + CSV) is garbled. TwentyThirteen is the only theme it will do it on. I’ve tried a CSS reset in the core css files to no avail. I’m running a TwentyThirteen child theme with a separate BP stack.

    So this brings me to a PHP solution for which I’m sketchy. I could either do some sort of cron job periodically and unserialize the xprofile data and insert it into a new table. That would let me access it via SQL Query and the original wpDataTables plugin. This would peridocially update any new additions to my BuddyPress Membership into an unserialized table.

    The better solution is to do it all with PHP. I now have the FPDF class up and running. I’m generating sample PDF output. So from my PHP script, I’m “requiring” fpdf.php and also an “include” for another php file to open a connection to MySQL.

    Now I’m to the point where I need info and help as to construct the code and read serialized data into my newly created file to generate the PDF (i.e. “sql2pdf.php).

    Thanks in advance.



    Thanks for the response Henry…

    Let’s go with FPDF for the sake of simplicity. I have that installed on public html and trying to call that function by way of two links placed in a Members Directory page. One link to print the entire directory to PDF with complete profiles, the other link to print the entire directory to PDF without the profile data.

    Where do I “require(‘../fpdf/fpdf.php’);” and where in loop to call from?

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