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Forum Replies Created

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  • @moonhopper


    duh! private messaging was turned off in Buddypress options in the newly separated blogs. That solved 1/ …. Still looking for 2/



    Hi @espellcaste – just spotted your reply! Thanks for chiming in. I’ve got more or less what I wanted with the BP Multiblog Enable method. But its caused a couple of other issues. I’ll start a new thread.



    Hi @iMath OK looks like it was a glitch. Luckily I’ve been able to restart my multisite from scratch, the issue has gone away. I had been messing with the wpmu membership plugin for a while, which might have caused the trouble. John Jacoby says its easy to screw things up and break functionality with that..
    Anyway, thanks for your time



    I’ll try a new site from scratch (with unmod’d themes). You seem to be suggesting starting with a single site > then add BP > then convert to multisite/network? I’ll try that order first anyway.
    Thanks for your perseverance.



    It was already multisite (when upgrading to 2.0) but the issues are the same as others are discussing here. Should I look for another thread?



    Hi @imath
    Thanks for your interest
    1/ As they’re still largely empty (multi)sites I didn’t bother backing up the database. And it’s easy to throw new (dummy) users at it for testing. The issue persists. I’ve stripped back and reinstated nearly all plugins btw. Thought maybe problem cause by BP Group Blog, but no.
    2/ It’s both a dev site (work in progress) and online already (just not launched yet) – just a shell at the moment, mostly placeholders. But I want to get contributors involved asap and to flesh out the content. It was all set to go until I discovered this last problem.
    3/ given (1) we shouldn’t need to get into retrospective database tweaks should we? I was hoping not to go there.
    4/ ‘Cinematix’ bought from envato. It had functionality I wanted but I’ve heavily restyled it



    Same problem here

    Keen to launch new multisite but held back by this issue. Users with anything less than admin rights cannot access dashboard, create posts , edit, load media etc. I’d rather not revert to older BP.

    The issue seems at least partially theme related. I can create a new (network) site with, say, a Twenty Twelve theme and add new member (my ‘Arthur the Author’ dummy) and all will work as it should – for that site alone. But when I re-use my desired core theme on the secondary site the access privileges disappear. I can duplicate and rename the core theme as a workaround but that will become a high-maintenance issue when it’s time for upgrades (there’s a number of hacks and mods in there). Maybe there’s a clue in these findings though. Hope someone can help!



    Same issue – did you get anywhere with this?
    Basically when I start a Group Blog I’d like the Group’s Forum to go with the Blog but when you look in the admin panel for that blog it show’s no Forums. Maybe I/we are missing something?
    Failing that the next best thing would be to be able to filter the forum(s) appropriate to that blog … with a widget?? I don’t know. Would like to find an answer for this.

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