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  • @mypop



    That’s all I’ve done too.

    I just changed base.css in the two directories, and copied my logo file over as logo.gif to both locations

    base.css in




    and logo.gif in




    Then remember to flush the cache in your browser (F5 usually does it)

    I also edited both header.php files as I wanted to change the link words from ‘blog’ to ‘News’

    as @jfc said, you might need to select a member theme in Admin / BuddyPress / General Settings / Select theme to use for BuddyPress generated pages:

    and then save.

    Note: Since I was ‘updating’ from RC1 I had to select a different them and then re-save.




    You did follow this:

    and do have the member them in the correct place?

    where it says:

    6. The plugins are now activated and running, but you will need to move the themes to the correct locations. Move /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ to /wp-content/bp-themes/

    7. You can use any WordPress theme as your root blog theme, but BuddyPress comes bundled with an extra “home” theme that you can optionally use. To install it, move /wp-content/bp-themes/bphome/ to /wp-content/themes/bphome/.

    you will then need to edit the member theme to reflect similar changes in the base theme.

    Hope that helps.





    You\’ll also need to edit the member-theme css files- these control the look of Members / groups pages etc.

    If you\’ve installed it properly then they should be in /wp-content/bp-themes/bpmember/css

    as per here:



    Woot Woot!



    @John James Jacoby

    Thanks John, I’ll wait for the tutorial!

    Note – because of a limitation of my hosting provider (for whom I am a reseller) – they don’t allow xml-rpc calls to the same server, I have had to put bbPress on a different server from WordPress & BuddyPress, so if you want a tester to go through the tutorial I am happy to do so.

    (I have a few spare domain names kicking around that I can use for this!)



    A Social Networking site to provide support, training and personal websites/ blogs for a new Party Plan / MLM business promoting the partyon brand from on-group.

    proto-col is currently the fastest growing cosmetics and skincare brand in europe with celebrity endorsements from Jennifer Aniston, Sarah Michelle Geller, Lucy Liu, Uma Thurman, Dame Judi Dench, Carol Vorderman, Trinny Woodall, Nicky Haslam

    (still in beta..)




    How did you create that page:

    That’s exactly what I want to do on my site.

    I’ve got @Burtadsit’s bbGroup plugin up and running.

    How did you integrate it into your buddypress theme?

    Is it a ‘page’ in the root blog or a special page?

    Thx, Gordon



    This is how I did it.

    I modified header.php in the buddypress theme AND the member theme.

    There is probably a better way since the forums location is included as part of the integration, however it works, and you can use this principle to include a hard coded link to anywhere.

    Find the bit of code that starts <div id="header">

    The first bit is the routine to run the blogs page, the second opens up bbPress in a seperate tab.

    `<?php if ( function_exists( ‘bp_blogs_install’ ) ) { ?>

    <li<?php if ( bp_is_page( BP_BLOGS_SLUG ) ) {?> class=”selected”<?php } ?>><a href=”<?php echo get_option(‘home’) ?>/<?php echo BP_BLOGS_SLUG ?>” title=”<?php _e( ‘Blogs’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?>”><?php _e( ‘Blogs’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?></a></li>

    <?php } ?>

    <li><a href=”; target=”_blank” title=”<?php _e( ‘Support’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?>”><?php _e( ‘Support’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?></a></li>

    <?php do_action( ‘bp_nav_items’ ); ?>`

    What I’d like to do is present the forums in the same way that is done on here (, ) that just needs a bit of thinking about…

    Hope that helps




    Turns out the problem wasn’t of my making at all and I was doing everything correctly!

    So why didn’t it work?

    My hosting provider doesn’t allow rpc calls to the same server, so I ended up splitting the installation, WMPU and Buddypress on my main domain and bbPress on another domain on a different server.

    All works great! If you want to read the saga it’s all in its own thread here:




    Searched for \”cannot yet handle MBCS\” in the forum and came up with Trent\’s post about the same error, once again I\’m running PHP 5.2.9 it wasn\’t that, a quick tweek to line 53 (based on Trent\’s advice)

    so I edited /my-plugins/buddypress-enable.php and changed line 53 from:

    $post_text = html_entity_decode( $post_text, ENT_COMPAT, \”UTF-8\” );


    $post_text = utf8_decode($post_text);

    Worked brilliantly – actually fixed the errors on both sides (BuddyPress and bbPress)



    Well… It’s working kinda!

    Forums are created, topics can be made on either side, and replies to topics created

    However when I created a topic or reply to a topic in BuddyPress I get

    “There was an error posting that topic.” or “There was an error posting that reply.”

    they are created though.

    And on the bbPress side, when I create a topic, or rpely to a topic, I get:

    “Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()! in /home/sites/ on line 53”

    once again, they are created tho.



    Update #1

    I’ve just done a complete install, exactly as I’ve done before, this time up on a hostgator account (not even reseller, just a cheap hosting deal.)

    All works just as it should, so the good news, I was doing nothing wrong – took just over 40 minutes from start to all up and running.

    Forum posting works both ways. – Only challenge – it’s slooooowww! so I guess it won’t scale. Good place to test out tho.

    Will keep you posted on the split installation.



    Here’s my hosting co’s reply:

    Hi Gordon,

    Thanks for the ticket, I’m afraid I haven’t got an easy solution for you. WE don’t allow RPCs to be made back to the same server, I can understand your usage is entirely legitimate, but a poorly designed rpc back on a server can easily result in a nasty infinite loop, eating up server resources.

    However, rather than just send you away empty handed, I can think of a way round it. However, you would need packages on separate webservers – this will allow them to call each other.

    Best Wishes

    Craig Cotter

    Heart Internet Support

    I know it can be done in theory….. (just a few more lines in the bbPress bb-config.php file to cope with being on a different server)

    So I guess it’s time to write the distributed integration tutorial if anyone has any pointers..



    @ Lance, thx, I will do. I have raised a support ticket with them and will get back to you.

    – they are generally ‘friendly’ to WordPress hosting.



    @Lance, thanks for the links to the XML-RPC testing files, I’d tried to download them a week ago and couldn’t access them, got them now.

    I’m posting on the forum, so that if anyone else is as frustrated as me they can follow!

    Any way here’s the result:

    -32300 >> transport error – could not open socket: 111 Connection refused

    Any ideas what next?



    Well, complete clean install from scratch followed instructions to the letter and it still doesn’t work……..

    Haven’t integrated the cookies yet, shared user log-on works though….

    I’m at a complete loss, if burtadsit or Andy Peatling want full access to the system and ftp access, I am more than happy to let them at it, because something isn’t working.

    They only thing I can think is that is something to do with the configuration of my shared host, and I don’t know where to start solving that.

    I have Firebug and Firefox Webdeveloper toolbar installed if that can help anyone…

    @burtadsit – do you have your xml-rpc testing kit available will that help?

    It’s 2:15 am in the UK, I’m turning in…….! Will pick up on tips.suggestions etc in about 8 hours time. All suggestions welcome.




    I used the readme file, and cross checked with Trent’s notes.

    I’ve just lost my admin log in to the system, not done anything, it’s just started to not let men in, other users OK, but not admin, weird,

    I’ve even deleted wp_config.php and re-installed and it won;t let me in.

    So I’m going to clear everything out and start completely from scratch, ifi it doesn’t work this time, it must be something to do with the xml-rpc calls or hosting configuration.




    Done it may times, just done it again, here’s the infor for the new forum from

    id creator_id name slug

    17 1 Lance Group8 lance-group8

    “groupmeta” data:

    id group_id meta_key meta_value

    65 17 total_member_count 1

    66 17 last_activity 1239056228

    67 17 theme buddypress

    68 17 stylesheet buddypress

    There is only one entry in the bb_forums table:

    forum_id forum_name forum_slug forum_desc

    1 Test test qwswsq

    This is driving me nuts!



    @Mesgains, thanks for that, I’d already added the $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true; so it’s not that,

    I’ve been through Trent’s tutorials double checking everything as a I go, and as he says “If you have made it this far, it will work” …!!**!!

    The bbPress forums are located here:

    @Lance, tried, I get the red message of death! “There was an error posting that topic.”

    I’ve switched “Enable discussion forum” off and on again, and even created new forums, and there’s nothing of significance in wp_bp_groups_groupmeta

    I’ve even tried a different user set up with wp and bb admin priviledges.



    p.s. yes I have also enabled XML-RPC and pingbacks in bbPREss ..




    Thanks, already did that! ( I saw the new menu at the bottom of the screen) – It actually carried over my previous settings, so I deleted and re-entered them, and saved twice, just in case the refresh bug was still about…

    I went through each of those new options and hit save / update on each page to make sure that the settings had been set.



    @Trent, greatly appreciate the update.

    I’ll go through your updated post and If I still have problems I’ll start a new thread.




    I am using WMPU2.7 Buddypress RC1 and bbPress 1.0-Alpha-6

    Hopefully someone can help me out here, it’s been 10 days, I’ve searched, this forum, the WPMU forum and the bbPress forum, and I feel like I’m going round in circles!

    bbPress and WPMU/ Buddypress work fine as ‘stand alone’ applications, the challenge I am having is integrating bbPress into Buddypress.

    I have gone through the whole of Trent’s great topic ( many times now, even removed bbPress and started all again.

    What should on the face of it be a simple process, share users, share cookies, link via xmlrpc, seems incredibly complex, or else it’s the configuration of my hosting company that’s causing it!

    I followed, Sam’s basic integration screencast ( ), and all went smoothly, I can now logon and logoff from either WPMU or bbPress. I have also edited wp-config and bb-config as needed to use the same keys and to point to the same locations for the cookies.

    However I can only access the admin/dashboard section in bbPress if I login in through bbPress, if I log in first via WPMU, the ‘admin’ link doesn’t work. I can access the dashboard of WPMU whichever way I log in.

    In Sam’s screencast he talks about bbPress needing extra cookies and using bbpress-integration.1.0-alpha-4.1, I have tried with and without this plugin (which doesn’t appear to work when isntalled in mu-plugins/ ). I have also checked the cookies when logged in via bbPress and only see one extra cookie when actually in the dashboard / backoffice of bbPress.

    Do I need this plugin?

    Is this the way it should work, or should I be able to log in via WPMU and then go to bbPress and have access rights to the bbPress dashboard?

    I have enabled xmlrpc and pingbacks in bbPress.

    I have two key users “admin”, the main one created during wpmu install, which is also keymaster for bbPress and another with keymaster rights to bbPress and administration rights WPMU, it works the same for both.

    Re Trent’s post, I have the plugin in my-plugins/buddypress-enable.php though there is some discussion as to wether it should be in my-plugins or bb-plugins – some guidance here please?

    Also in step 6) where Trent says “Go into your main blog dashboard as the “site-admin” and go to the groups admin page.” I presume that with my configuration it should now read “Site Admin / bbPress forums”, If I click on the groups link, it gives me my list of already established groups to configure / edit. is my presumption correct?

    I have configured the full path (with the “/”) and user details for bbPress in the “bbPress forums” option.

    When I turn on Group Discussion, I don’t get a forum created in bbPress, nor can I post in ‘forum’ in the group in Buddypress, it comes up with “There was an error posting that topic.” not surprising really (no forum)

    If I go to create a new group the box for “Enable discussion forum” is greyed out / missing replaced with a note that says” Attention Site Admin: Group forums require correct setup and configuration of a bbPress installation.”

    Also from bbPress if I try to post I get “Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()! in /home/sites/ on line 53 which I guess is because it’s not linked back. (I’m running MySQL/5.0.67 PHP/5.2.8 and PHP5/5.2.8)

    Trent also suggested “check your bp_groups_groupmeta table” there was nothing in my data relating to forums.

    I’ve tried it with and without the ” WordPress cookie integration speedup” and ” WordPress database integration speedup” in the bb-config.php file – it made no difference.

    I’ve tried almost all I can think of,

    @Burtadsit would your xmlrpc-test-rig be worth exploring? Do you have a download link for it?; looks like it’s not there at the moment.

    From here:,_BuddyPress,_and_bbPress says:

    You will need to install and activate the following plugins in your WPMu installation:

    * bbPress Integration: “; This is essential, but keep in mind that this plugin is only useful if you are running bbPress version 1.0-alpha-4 or later.

    * WPMU Enable bbPress Capabilities (0.1) “; : Enables bbPress member capabilities when a user is created within WPMU. This allows immediate login as a ‘member’ after a user is created in WPMU.

    Do I actually need either of these with my confguration?

    said “In theory, to create a post from within the Group forum, you should not need cookie integration, because the XMLRPC request happens very ajax-like behind the scenes and does not require for you as a specific user to be logged into both platforms.”

    So any help would be much appreciated, Thanks.

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