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  • @n0ise


    Bump, any update after (almost) a year? :)



    I’m using it:
    MAMP Version 1.9.6 (1.9.6)
    OS X Lion 10.7
    Wordpress 3.2.1
    Buddypress 1.29

    with default settings and it works.
    Did u tried to set permissions to the bp folder?



    yes, that’s why i think it’s a customization :)



    If im not wrong, there is an “auto group join” plugin



    i think it’s a customisation of the cubepoints / achievements plugin






    @nahummadrid: first of all, thanks for your reply and sorry if i didnt explained well or with the right words.

    What I’m trying to do, is that i would love that groups could be like members, u see in facebook there is the option “Switch as $FacebookPage” and then if u go to the home u will see the home of the group, if you are going to write to someone else’s wall you will post as page and not as “you”. In buddypress, for example, if the gorup admin will post on his group, will be “admin posted an update in the group TEST:” and not “TEST posted an update”.

    Is there a way to make this happen?



    bump, no one can five me a hint? :(



    In my case (activity filter and reply not working, and some other profile issue), i fixed copying the ajax.php and global.js files from the bp-default theme into my custom theme in _inc/ and it’s done.



    I’ve fixed the theme, just copy the ajax.php and global.js from the bp-default theme into your custom theme in _inc/ and it’s done. YAY
    edit: it seems it’s partially fixed (i’ve just copy pasted without comparing, i will check better tomorrow:) )



    I rarely edit the core because im such a messy and when there’s an update I always forgot what i’ve edited lol…

    btw..i changed the value with ‘Search here…’ but the problem still remains, tried also to disable all plugins, so i guess it’s something else in my website (i use a custom google map using “)



    @ARHistoryHub thanks for the hint…but where i can find the “search anything” ? (i’m using buddybase too)



    after the upgrade i noticed that the dropdown activity-filter doesnt works



    oops sorry forgot to write down my email…im going to test it now and following my feedbacks and/or suggestions.. (Y)

    edit: quickly tested it out, it’s a great addon. My first suggestions are:
    1- i hate popups, an embedded version maybe in a wordpress page would be great :)
    2- in the profile, the picture is a little bit to the bottom, in my opinion it could go a little up.
    3- it woud be great if from facebook could grab email and locations too.



    Hey I love your website. I love the member area and the ajax stuff, i think i’m going to embed it as well on my (yet alpha) work in progress website. Thanks

    edit: embeddd and working fine but as you said, ” I had problems getting a:active css attributes to show, but besides that it’s worked just fine.” i have the same issue, active button remains on the “activity” :)

    edit: i’ve noticed another “bug”, in the activity, the filter is not working, but it seems to be a WP 3.2 problem



    Very nice! If you need a beta tester..count me in :)

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