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I have just done a cursory overview of the new theme but the “fact that activities drive everything” is a big shift and would hinder me from using the new theme especially if the activities panel can’t be widgetized.
The goal of my site is to have group(what i am calling projects) be the focal point, no blogs at all. I will continue to look at the new theme and see if I can mod it to my needs.
Is there a list of other features that are coming out with 1.2?
I got mine working now. For some reason the two line were not added to the .htaccess. I placed them at the bottom of the file.
I am having this same problem. I have tried both methods above anything else, I need to do.
Yeah, I have been using Firebug extensively. From what I can tell with Firebug, it looks like the .bp_core_widget_welcome is not being used at all in the new theme arch. In the old one, I could see the left column being overwritten by the welcome css settings.
Thanks for the input, I will look into Yslow might be useful.
Thanks, I started messing around with the default theme. One small issue that I have ran it is with the welcome widget. In the old version, I was able to change the gif for the welcome widget and have a different dif for the left column.
It seem that whatever gif I use for the left column is now used for the welcome widget as well.
.bp_core_widget_welcome h2 {
background:transparent url(../images/org_leftcol_header_back.gif) no-repeat scrollleft top !important;
color:#FFFFFF !important;
}doesn’t seem to do anything. Looks like the columns have been broken down into sections now.
What are the advantages of doing this.
“you can add a custom.css file to _inc/css/ in the default theme and add your custom styles if you like.”
I am currently messing around with my own theme but if doing this can accomplish what I need then I might trying it.
I want to change some of the colors and some of the images.
Any thoughts on this? To give more info, I want to change the color of buttons on the main page. I have the css block that does this and I have put it in the style.css of my theme.
Some of the changes in the block seem to be taking effect but the main one, the color, is not.
Firebug shows the css and says that the screen.css of the parent theme is overwriting the color in my style.css. How is this possible? Shouldn’t anything in your child theme take highest priority, what am I am missing here?
Which error log specifically, apache error.log?
Here are some directions for backing up and restoring your wordpress db.
I used it to convert my beta site to RC1. Pretty straight forward.
I am running into the same problem. Where is that table? I can’t find it.
Sweet, it does not seem that complicated. Where does it need to be changed?
Can you mod this so that it would work with groups instead of profiles?
I changed all the Groups to Projects on my site.
Basically I just search through all the group files until I eliminated all the main labels.
I still have not figured out how to change http://url/groups/ to http://url/projects/.
Yep, just found it and installed it. Have not verified it yet, my work blocks adsense haha
Yeah I figured it out.
I wanted to removed “Create a Blog!” from of the buddypress admin bar.
This is what I got to work:
$blogscheck = get_blogs_of_user($current_user->ID);
if ( ! empty($blogscheck)
echo '<a href="' . $bp['loggedin_domain'] . $bp['blogs']['slug'] . '/create-a-blog">' . __("Create a Blog!", 'buddypress') . '</a>';
}This seems pretty easy.
Just got the basics up and running. I want to do some serious changes to Groups but I don’t know if I am going to be able to(time and skill wise) This is just a little experiment that I have on my linux box at home in my free time
but I would not have gotten this far without wp/bp.
HaHa, I didn’t know if it was a bug or just me not configuring something correctly. I will submit a ticket.
1 and 3 are fix, I had activated the theme but not selected it, Doh.
Thanks, I guess I was reading an old readme or something.
I got some new issues now but I will start a different thread.