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  • @newdermeo


    What RemonStormborn is having a problem with is exactly what is happening for me. This changed after one update. Which one, I do not know. I have waited several months to reinstall Buddypress hoping things would be different but it is not.



    I am running the ultimate member version 1.3.29




    I am having the same problem. I just logged on as the administrator to delete a user and the only user that showed up on the list was myself. The wierd thing is that when you look at the user count for all users, all users are there, however, clicking on that link still only brings up my user. I deactivated all of my plugins and one by one began activating them again. I got to the BuddyPress Version and activated it and that is when I could duplicate the problem. This is only recent and I am sure that I did an upgrade recently. Sunday was the last time I logged in and there were no problems at the time. For the time being I have left the rest of my plugins deactivated and I would be happy to give you access if you need a password or username to get in. My site is For the time being, and for security purposes I will be reactivating a spam plugin and one that limits the menu. These are STOP SPAM and ULTIMATE USER. So, you can go back to deactivating all plugins when you look into it. I just don’t want to allow signups or public access to some of the pages.

    If I can help in any way, I will be happy to.



    Ok I did that now. It looks like I have it working now.



    I am new enough that I am not sure what to change the permalinks to. I haven’t changed anything but I know where to change them. I will try to research how permalinks work but anything you can teach me would be helpful. I actually have two sites but I am not sure how to run both of them from within the same back end.



    I tried to log into the Single WP install and it shows an error page not found

    I followed the instructions on the WP multisite and I still don’t understand if I have to create a page to associate with ACTIVITY STREAMS and ACTIVATE or if there is some page that is already set up. If I have to build the page, how do I know it will confirm that the person has signed up so that there are no problems with the registered person logging in or registering?



    How do you make an activation notice page?

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