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  • @nickrita


    Unfortunately, no.



    No one? Last time @boonebgorges was able to help.



    It worked for me, too! Thank you very much!



    Ticket 2229



    I haven’t got an Age field, because the Age changes and the users forget to change their profile. I have a field “year of birth”



    Paul, did you set the permalink-structure in the options? You have to set it first, before you do anything else, otherwise, the posts are not found.

    You even have to set ist if you want to use the default one.



    With BP 1.2 a new user doesn’t get the welcome mail that I set in the admin options. That’s bad, because it contains important information for the user.

    Is there any chance to send an activation-mail (which at the moment causes an error) and, after activation, the first mail that’s set in the options?



    To have the pagination on the homepage-activity-stream I just added the no-ajax class to the code and it works.

    Wrote ticket 2223 to have the no-ajax class in the pagination code in activity-loop.php, so that it works without having to find this thread.



    It isn’t the blog, it’s the upgrade!

    All posts that were postet after the upgrade to bp 1.2 are delete in the activity-stream, when deleted on the blog.

    All posts that werde postet before the upgrade to bp 1.2 aren’t deleted in the activity-stream.



    Same problem here. I will try to delete the posts in the database, but this isn’t a good solution.

    Maybe this helps to find the bug:

    If I delete a post on the main blog, it is deleted in the activity stream.

    If I delete a post on any other blog, it isn’t deleted.





    Marius, I did exactly this, but it didn’t work, until I found another thread. The problem was, that the links were shown, but they didn’t give a result. To solve thist, here’s what Andy said: “You either need to write the AJAX function to handle this (you should be able to copy something from one of the core components) or put a class=”no-ajax” on the surrounding div. “

    So, using your funtion an adding the no-ajax class, my activity-loop.php in my child-theme now looks like this and it works. Thank you very much for your help!

    <?php /* Querystring is set via AJAX in _inc/ajax.php - bp_dtheme_activity_loop() */ ?>

    <?php do_action( 'bp_before_activity_loop' ) ?>

    <?php if ( bp_has_activities( bp_ajax_querystring( 'activity' ) ) ) : ?>

    <?php /* Show pagination if JS is not enabled, since the "Load More" link will do nothing */ ?>

    <div class="pagination">

    <div class="no-ajax"><div class="pag-count"><?php bp_activity_pagination_count() ?></div>

    <div class="pagination-links"><?php bp_activity_pagination_links() ?></div>


    <?php if ( empty( $_POST['page'] ) ) : ?>

    <ul id="activity-stream" class="activity-list item-list">

    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php while ( bp_activities() ) : bp_the_activity(); ?>

    <?php include( locate_template( array( 'activity/entry.php' ), false ) ) ?>

    <?php endwhile; ?>

    <?php if ( bp_get_activity_count() == bp_get_activity_per_page() ) : ?>

    <noscript><li class="load-more">

    <?php _e( 'Load More', 'buddypress' ) ?>   <span class="ajax-loader"></span>

    <?php endif; ?></noscript>

    <?php if ( empty( $_POST['page'] ) ) : ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php else : ?>

    <div id="message" class="info">

    <p><?php _e( 'Sorry, there was no activity found. Please try a different filter.', 'buddypress' ) ?></p>


    <?php endif; ?><div class="pagination">

    <div class="no-ajax"><div class="pag-count"><?php bp_activity_pagination_count() ?></div>

    <div class="pagination-links"><?php bp_activity_pagination_links() ?></div>


    <?php do_action( 'bp_after_activity_loop' ) ?>

    <form action="" name="activity-loop-form" id="activity-loop-form" method="post">

    <?php wp_nonce_field( 'activity_filter', '_wpnonce_activity_filter' ) ?>


    You can see it running on

    The last page is not shown, I don’t know why, but that doesn’t really matter.



    It works, until I try to set pagination instead of load more.

    Mmh. Either the pagination code is wrong or there’ s an incompatibility between pagination and boones code.

    The pagination links are shown, but they don’t work.



    Thank you very much, StrangeFreedom, I now did it in the database, too.

    But that’s not a good solution.

    I wrote ticket 2210.



    Thank you very much Boone for still helping. I tested it and until now, it works.



    DJPaul, I don’t want to comment it out but have the nicename instead.

    Is there any chance to do this? I would hack the bp-code, if nessessary.


    Okay, forget this comment, if I hack it, the @mention will not work, isn’t ist?



    Posted too early, it doesn’t work. As soon as someone writes an @mention, the activity only shows the @mentions and not the blog posts first.


    This stuff seem to be a never ending story.

    I use Boones first code now, with the fault in the “load more”.



    It’s set in the code that it should be 20, no matter which number you set. As far as I remember, it’s in the folder bp-activity, bp-activity-templatetags.php.



    motions, what do you want to edit? The design of the sitewide activity is set on bp-default, _inc; css, default.css.

    Don’t change anything there, but build a child-theme.



    frances, where exactly did you do the change? If you could tell me php and line, I can try out if it works for me, too.



    I’ve got the same problem.



    Boone, thank you very much! This works!



    Boone, this works, but now choosing all options only the blog posts are shown.



    It works great on the first page, but when I coose “Load more”, then everything shown is with “no filter”

    you can see it here:



    Same problem here wp 2.9.1 bp

    It worked before I upgradet today.

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