Norman Cates replied to the topic Problem with emails from Buddy Press in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 1 month ago
Hi ya,
hmmm… What do you mean by disposable email? The receiving email address? Or the sending one?The Sending one is from our server, which is owned by us.
Norman Cates started the topic Problem with emails from Buddy Press in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 1 month ago
I’m having a very weird problem with Buddypress.
Buddypress 4.1.0
Wordpress 4.9.9the problem occurs regardless of theme used.
When I get confirmation emails there is a problem in the HTML part of the message.
Part of the HTML seems to be cut off.
Here’s a section of the email. There’s a fragment that is: <hr color=”#F7F3
You can see that…[Read more]
Norman Cates replied to the topic When do the BuddyPress xProfile fields get created for a new user? in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years, 10 months ago
Norman Cates replied to the topic I'm having notification problems with THIS BuddyPress support forum in the forum Requests & Feedback 6 years, 10 months ago
Norman Cates replied to the topic When do the BuddyPress xProfile fields get created for a new user? in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years, 10 months ago
I don’t understand.
Isn’t all the xProfle extra information part of Buddypress?
I haven’t installed an extra plugin that has anything to do with xProfiles.
Norman Cates replied to the topic I'm having notification problems with THIS BuddyPress support forum in the forum Requests & Feedback 6 years, 10 months ago
Actually, ignore the last part about the forums dropdown. I found it my menu. In the Forums section. Doh!
Norman Cates replied to the topic When do the BuddyPress xProfile fields get created for a new user? in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years, 10 months ago
Thank you.
However, I am using a plugin that sends an email invite to people whoare to become users.
They fill in a simple registration form, then submit it.
And then log in to the website.
At that point, they have access. They haven’t gone through any Buddypress registration forms.
So I can’t hook those actions.
At what point in the user…[Read more]
Norman Cates started the topic I'm having notification problems with THIS BuddyPress support forum in the forum Requests & Feedback 6 years, 10 months ago
When I go to my notifications in my profile, I click on a notification. But then it just takes me to the main support page with the list of topics.
It doesn’t take me to the topic I received a notification about…
Also, is it possible to get the same kind of dropdown I see in the bbPress and WordPress support forums, with links to:
Topics…[Read more]
Norman Cates replied to the topic Can someone point me at a basic starter for programming using Buddypress? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 10 months ago
I’ve tried that using this code:
$args = array(
'field' => 'Nickname'
);$result = xprofile_get_field_data($args);
print ("<br><br>");
print ("XProfileData");
print ("<br>");
var_dump($result);But all it does is return “FALSE”
That xprofile field definately exists
Thanks to someone on WPMU dev, I tried this:
$profile_data =…
Norman Cates replied to the topic Can someone point me at a basic starter for programming using Buddypress? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 10 months ago
The problem I have is that I’m used to using variables in loops. $variable etc.
But the loop page is only using functions (AFAIK).
I assume that’s a standard PHP capability, but I don’t know how to search for what that’s called to read up on it…
I also was ignorant of the alternative syntax for control structures. I’ve read up on it…[Read more]
Norman Cates replied to the topic Can someone point me at a basic starter for programming using Buddypress? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 10 months ago
I’m lookig to get the xprofile data out. And also poke it in.
I’m afraid that you might have to get more basic than what you’ve said.
What’s a loop function and how does it pass data from one function to another. I interpret a loop as a “for each” or a “while” or similar that loops through an array or whatever.
Are these objects or clas…[Read more]
Norman Cates replied to the topic Can someone point me at a basic starter for programming using Buddypress? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 10 months ago
So I realised looking at this page:
That I have no idea how it’s getting its data.
There’s no arrays or variables being set. There’s these functions:
bp_profile_groups()and so on.
But none of these do any assignments of variables…[Read more]
Norman Cates started the topic Can someone point me at a basic starter for programming using Buddypress? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 10 months ago
I’ve been wandering around in BuddyPress and WordPress.
I’ve been slowly working out how to get data out of WordPress.
But I CANNOT figure out how to get data out of Buddypress.
In this page:
There is some code that indicates how to get data back.
But no matter…[Read more]
Norman Cates started the topic When do the BuddyPress xProfile fields get created for a new user? in the forum Creating & Extending 6 years, 10 months ago
I’m trying to set some code that copies the data from a new user across to xProfile fields.
But I’m wondering when that field creation triggers…
SO that I can insert the function into the correct location using add_action
I’m hoping that by the time WordPress gets to the ‘user_register’ function, and the actions being added, that the xProfile…[Read more]
Norman Cates started the topic Would like to show ALL Profile Groups and Fields EVEN if empty in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 10 months ago
So I’m having a really frustrating time getting BuddyPress to show all groups and fields, even if they have no data in them.
I found this page:
It talks about the bp_group_has_profile() function. And parameters that can be applied. BUT that function…[Read more]
Norman Cates replied to the topic Please create Buddypress profile info syncing with WordPress Profile info in the forum Requests & Feedback 6 years, 10 months ago
Ah! Thanks for the link!
Norman Cates replied to the topic Please create Buddypress profile info syncing with WordPress Profile info in the forum Requests & Feedback 6 years, 10 months ago
yeah, that plugin is useful, but it’s only one way. It only goes from BP to WP not WP to BP.
It also has limited WP profile fields available. Although that’s easy enough to fix by adding items to the array in the plugin…
The core problem is that once you have BP, there’s two different places to change the basic profile data. Having…[Read more]
Norman Cates started the topic Please create Buddypress profile info syncing with WordPress Profile info in the forum Requests & Feedback 6 years, 10 months ago
Over that last while I’ve REALLY been struggling with the disparity between the WP profile info and BP profile info.
PLease, I beg of you, add some functionality to allow two way synchronization with WP profile info and BP profile info.
It’s a limited data set.
It’s incredibly confusing for everyone that the Profile info does not do a two way…[Read more]
Norman Cates replied to the topic WordPress to BuddyPress profile sync in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 6 years, 10 months ago
That’s awesome.
Why is this not a standard part of Buddypress? (Rhetorical question)
IMO, any fields should be designated (or able to be designated) as linked to the WP profile information.
THis is a CONSTANT source of confusion for me and any users. Because some plugins use the WordPress profile info, and some the Buddypress info.
I get that…[Read more]
Active 11 months, 2 weeks ago