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Forum Replies Created

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  • @oaz


    Hello Varun and thanks so much for your concern.

    The website is online, and I checked the dokan page.
    In fact I may have been mistaken, reading the codex, thinking I could use any photo, including from my own website, and that it would show ? it only works with photos from some websites ? Is that it ?

    If this is the case, then there is no way for me to use a photo from my website in groups and get a pereview, only raw link ?




    Thanks for your help varun, but it enventually worked with this

    /*forum masquer le bouton adhérer/quitter le groupe*/{display:none !important;}{display:none !important;)

    I do not know why it did not previously, maybe some cache on server, but anyhow, buttons have disappeared now. Thanks very much for caring and have a nice day



    Yes I did and it is working now ! Thanks so much !



    Thank you very much for taking care Venitius

    Yes, you are right, forum and group documents are displaying properly using a 2017.

    I am not too sure of what I should do, I found this in the file you mentionned :

    // Old group forums
    elseif ( bp_is_group_forum() ) : bp_get_template_part( ‘groups/single/forum’ );

    Should i remove the whole line ?
    Sorry I am not a developper !



    Paul, yes this was a problem with email types, there was none whatsoever ! I wonder how come they all disappeared, but any way, thanks so much, the problem is resolved !



    Hello and thanks for your answer Paul.
    Yes both installations are on the same server, same account, differents folders side-to-side

    I tried adding a SMTP plugin, but no results.
    The problem is only for private message notifications, other notifications are OK..

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