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  • @parakeet


    Any ideas, please?



    Ok, this is resolved…

    FYI (and, more so, to self) – what it needed was a full page refresh in both browsers (that’s: cmd + shift + r). I was doing a lesser kind of refresh (shift + reload) that I thought was fuller.

    However this became stuck (between deleting the files and reinstalling BuddyPress), something needed flushing fully.



    I have flushed my DNS cache. No change on my computer.

    Alternative computer, Ubuntu laptop, on same network – background appears okay.

    Help please?



    Ok, now I’ve deleted my entire public_html contents, databases and users, reinstalled WordPress, BuddyPress 1.7b2, installed no other plugins, switched to bp-default…

    And STILL I’m seeing the white colour block.

    Also, I have a report from a friend elsewhere that this is showing, too.

    Time to start filing this as a bug? Can we widen the discussion so I can get a fix? This is bugging me.

    Thanks very much.



    One thing I’ve worked out… this is only happening when the browser window is desktop-width. Contracting it to sub-desktop width typical for mobiles, even on the desktop, shows the background fine, all grey…

    + I just restored a snapshotted version of the bp-default folder from a few days back. But STILL I’m seeing the screwy background.



    This is so weird. It’s still screwy in my Mac Chrome. And even screwy in Safari today, which it wasn’t last night.
    Android Chrome is fine (responsive size), iOS iPad Safari background is fine.

    I’ve also just cleared Mac Chrome’s cache and cookies. No effect.

    Ugh?! šŸ™



    @mercime, bakepad dot com



    NB. I have also, on this fresh install, tried allowing search engines to crawl (via Settings ā€“ BuddyPress ā€“ Readingā€¦ Search Engine Visibilityā€¦ Discourage search engines from indexing this siteā€, untick) as suggested elsewhere…



    I have found this problem today.
    I am running 1.7b2. I could have sworn that 1.7b2 was previously showing blog post titles in Activity streams, but I thought I might have been wrong. So I deleted my entire website, database, WP install etc to start from scratch to rule out plugin conflicts etc.
    Yet STILL I am getting no blog post entries in Activity streams.

    What is going on please?




    Grr. Me too!

    Was working okay.

    Have been trying out BuddyStream, BuddyBlog and BP Simple Front End Post.
    Now no blog posts are appearing in Activity feeds.
    I’ve deactivated all those plugins. Now the only plugins I’m running are BackWPup, BuddyPress itself and Remove Admin Bar – but still, new blog posts are not appearing in the Activity feeds!

    How frustrating šŸ™‚ Looks like I’ll need to wipe the slate clean and start again?


    BP 1.7b2
    WP 3.5.1



    Ok, let me know if I need to file a bug report somewhere or something.



    Still showing “5 hours ago”.
    Was that just to undo the earlier snippet or something?



    I checked WP time settings. I was UTC -5.
    I set it to London. No change.
    I set it to UTC + 0. No change.



    I didn’t have a bp-custom.php. I made one in wp-content/plugins/ and populated it with…

    That didn’t work. Still showing “five hours ago” on both new status updates and replies.

    FYI, I am in the UK.



    WP 3.5.1
    BP 1.7b2, the one out last night



    @Paul “Admin users can already change any usersā€™ profile data via the front-end.”

    Where do I find this?
    There’s no actual link, is there? I just have to write enter URLs in to the browser window? Like ?

    @Paul “We added an Activity admin area”.

    Ok, I see it.

    @Hugo “You should be able to manage the data from a csv list without too much trouble, I had to write a script recently to pull data from a custom table chase it into BP profiles while also dealing with WP first/last names wasnā€™t too difficult.”

    Not difficult for you, perhaps, but I’m no developer :-)

    Thanks very much.



    If I get a WordPress user import/export plugin, what else should I be considering for the extra, missing profile data? Manual entry?



    I am also interested in this.
    Guys, I am a newbie but I found this functionality in plugin “BP Posts on Profile” –
    It’s two years old, but it works.
    FYI, it displays post links as per their WordPress loop presentation (ie. large headline and excerpt, per the BP Default theme) rather than with smaller text as though in the Activity stream.



    Let’s say a member chooses to post something defamatory or obscene in her profile bio. An admin may be compelled to act.

    More specifically, as a newbie contemplating BuddyPress for a project that would comprise several dozen known named member individuals, I am mulling over how I can pre-populate such a site (eg.) from a .csv list, when profile info seems separated across two locations.



    As a newbie, I’m finding it bizarre that the system apparently keeps two separate sets of user profile data in two different parts of the world – standard WordPress user stuff and BuddyPress stuff. Right?



    Has this changed at all since you last posted?
    I had the same question and got here.
    I am new to BuddyPress. It seems ridiculous that a site admin couldn’t alter profile details of a user on his site.
    In my case, I want to pre-populate a site with an set of guaranteed users whose info I want to enter for them.
    Surely, if BuddyPress was just a part of WordPress alongside it, all BuddyPress user profile info should be accessible and editable under WordPress user profile admin, not just the core WordPress fields?

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