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[Resolved] How does the Admin add New Members to BuddyPress

  • Ok, so I have been using WordPress for a while but very new to BuddyPress. I am confused.

    How are BuddyPress users related to the WordPress users? I cannot see where to fill in the BuddyPress specific profile info when adding a new user to WP.

    I am creating a website for an Association, and we want the Admins to be the ones to input the info of users. Is this possible or BuddyPress users have to fill in this info themselves?

    Ps. Is it me or is BuddyPress way harder to use and find ‘stuff’ for than WordPress? Maybe I’m having new user blues…

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  • BuddyPress users are essentially WP users there’s no separation and in this and other respects BP is a plugin running under WP and thus using aspects of WP such as users/signups

    Buddypress has extended profiles that can be set in the dashboard under the BP menu there you can add new fields to the base group (base group fields are displayed on the initial signup page) or create new filed groups for anything you like and those will be displayed on the users profile screens and accessed under ‘edit profile’ by the user to complete.

    As an admin you are very limited as to what you can set on a users profile, basically being restricted to the capabilities under the WP dashboard ‘users’ and ‘add users’



    Has this changed at all since you last posted?
    I had the same question and got here.
    I am new to BuddyPress. It seems ridiculous that a site admin couldn’t alter profile details of a user on his site.
    In my case, I want to pre-populate a site with an set of guaranteed users whose info I want to enter for them.
    Surely, if BuddyPress was just a part of WordPress alongside it, all BuddyPress user profile info should be accessible and editable under WordPress user profile admin, not just the core WordPress fields?

    why is it ridiculous? I wouldn’t want someone changing my details I would in fact be quite angry about it!

    Install a user switching plugin then as admin you can switch to any user and edit the profile details.



    Let’s say a member chooses to post something defamatory or obscene in her profile bio. An admin may be compelled to act.

    More specifically, as a newbie contemplating BuddyPress for a project that would comprise several dozen known named member individuals, I am mulling over how I can pre-populate such a site (eg.) from a .csv list, when profile info seems separated across two locations.

    Admin users can already change any users’ profile data via the front-end, not wp-admin. We’re building out screens in wp-admin; in 1.6, we added an Activity admin area, and in 1.7, we’re introducing groups. It’s not as quick or easy as “add it to the WordPress user profile admin”.

    *hangs head in shame* yes of cource admins can edit any profile – adminbar – always forget that and shouldn’t be :)

    Yes point taken about perhaps having to edit profiles if text is of an unsavoury nature.

    You should be able to manage the data from a csv list without too much trouble, I had to write a script recently to pull data from a custom table chase it into BP profiles while also dealing with WP first/last names wasn’t too difficult.



    @Paul “Admin users can already change any users’ profile data via the front-end.”

    Where do I find this?
    There’s no actual link, is there? I just have to write enter URLs in to the browser window? Like ?

    @Paul “We added an Activity admin area”.

    Ok, I see it.

    @Hugo “You should be able to manage the data from a csv list without too much trouble, I had to write a script recently to pull data from a custom table chase it into BP profiles while also dealing with WP first/last names wasn’t too difficult.”

    Not difficult for you, perhaps, but I’m no developer :-)

    Thanks very much.

    Jules Colle


    There is another really good use for having the admin be able to change user info. For example I’m creating a website for a closed business club. The admin would like to fill in all known details for all companies joining the club. There is no registration form, and it’s invite only. The admin would like to fill in all kinds of information while creating the members, like VAT, description of the company, company logo’s.

    It’s the first time I’m working with buddypress, and I’m a bit amazed something as simple as this is still not possible while adding new members from the admin pages..?



    Finished almost exactly the same requirement for a private community, certain profile fields consist of data needed to be added by the site rather than individual users, so set specific edit profile fields to super_admin only but allowed the public view, then as admin you just need to navigate to the users account and then use the admin links on adminbar to edit users profile.


    Users are not a BP managed item, Users belong to WP thus adding new users does not present the same xprofile fields for editing.




    i want arrange or order buddypress users by categoery is there any plugin for this type of requiremnet


    To import bulk users in a single click:



    Here’s what I need:

    Client wants to enter member info themselves, then later on have users create WP account. Is this possible, to create profile first, without wp account, and then save?

    So at that point, how does already-existing buddypress profile get associated with wp user?

    If this isn’t possible, can a temporary username / password be generated?



    Hi @manishkrag

    Your plugin work in a multisite installation?

    please respond, Tanks you!!!

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