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  • @paul-tcgs


    further insights anyone??

    When BuddyPress is activated, the WP Dashboard goes white, but functionality of the plugin comes back along with all the data. When BP is deactivated (removed via sftp, actually) the functionality is lost, but the Dashboard comes back to online mode.



    Well @shanebp, the call to GoDaddy didn’t go so well: they basically wanted to turn on the WP debug log which I’d enabled last two weeks ago.

    In the meantime, with things somewhat stable, we’ve been turning the BuddyPress plugin on and off to add the functionality on the backend or the user profiles on the front end as one need

    Clearly we are having trouble with the Kami theme update, and we’ve emailed the developers for the theme to get them working on that part of the issues we’re having. Yet there are lots of other updates are occurring all the time too, and clearly BuddyPress is the one sticking me in the side.

    When BuddyPress is activated, the WP Dashboard goes white, but functionality of the plugin comes back along with all the data. When BP is deactivated (removed via sftp, actually) the functionality is lost, but the Dashboard comes back to online mode.

    I’m wondering now if there is any better support than these forums.. cuz i can’t see this being more than running blind right now.



    thanks @shanebp

    re: your suggestions..

    Turn on wp-debug and then check error logs. < I believe I did this by editing the Wpconfig.php file.. but the debug.log shows file size of zero .. so maybe I did that wrong.

    — — // Enable WP_DEBUG mode
    — — define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);

    — — // Enable Debug logging to the /wp-content/debug.log file
    — — define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true);

    — — // Disable display of errors and warnings
    — — define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false);
    — — @ini_set(‘display_errors’,0);

    — — // Use dev versions of core JS and CSS files
    — — // (only needed if you are modifying these core files)
    — — define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true);

    — — /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    Deactivate bbPress and all related plugins. ~ as indicated in my post, did this in several different ways to totally and entirely isolate buddypress as the problem plugin.

    Test with ONLY a WP theme like 2013 and BP ~ perhaps I wasn’t clear, but did this too.. same problem.

    —- —- interesting new note —- —-

    Since the folks at GoDaddy did their memory maximization steps, the error messages have stopped.. but I remembered that when the WP-Admin/Dashboard screen goes white, the site doesn’t. so I added buddypress back in, activated, got the WP-Admin white screen and see that the forums are back up and the user icons are too. so I can’t tweak the interface from the dashboard, but functionality is working slightly.



    So far no issues at this point – did have to copy the old css file over to the new theme folder but that seemed insignifigant.

    this seems like an interesting tack.. what made you think of this? and where did you find the old CSS (vs, there was a new one?) ?

    I’m having trouble now with the Kami theme and the bp plugin.. even with everything else deactivated, this one fails.. sooo frustrating.



    Thanks for the quick replies @venutius and @henrywright

    re: memory bumps, I found elsewhere that edits to the wp-config.php would solve, but it didn’t… I’ll look at the php.ini next.

    re: which plugin, I’ve narrowed it down to the main buddypress plugin.

    A symptom no doubt, when I attempt to bring up the the member directory, I get…


    and my own photo uploaded to replace the default avatar, is not showing on my own profile.

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