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  • @petervandoorn


    The documentation for the Members Loop is here:

    You will see that there are a number of hooks which you can add your additions into, particularly at line 44: do_action( 'bp_directory_members_item' ); and at line 59: do_action( 'bp_directory_members_actions' );



    This may depend on your theme, and I don’t have rtmedia installed so you’ll have to work it out for yourself, but you should be able to just hide that tab using CSS.

    On my install of BuddyPress a class of logged-in is added to the body element when the user is logged in. Check your page to make sure that this is the same for you too.

    If it is, you can add CSS to target the rtmedia tab for people who aren’t logged in. Like I said, I don’t have rtmedia installed, so you’ll have to find out the class or ID of the media tab you want to get rid of for yourself (sorry!). But, for the sake of this example, let’s pretend it has an ID of “rtmediatab”.

    So, you could add a line something like this to your CSS and the tab would be hidden:

    body:not(.logged-in) #rtmediatab { display: none; }

    Obviously it doesn’t remove it completely as the underlying HTML will still be in the page, but it won’t be visible on the page and that’s better than nothing.

    Hope that helps



    Edit each of the profile fields in turn and change the Visibility setting to Enforce field visibility.



    bp_get_current_group_id() gets the ID of the current group, not the groups to which the user is a member of.

    For that you need groups_get_user_groups().

    It will return an array of group info, so you’ll have to process it further before storing it.

    Have a look here:



    This should do the trick:

    function bgmc_nosubs_redirect() {
    	if ( current_user_can( 'Customer' ) && is_buddypress() ) {
    		wp_redirect( home_url( '' ) ); 
    add_filter( 'template_redirect', 'bgmc_nosubs_redirect' );

    Note – untested, but theory is sound 🙂



    Here’s the bare basic code to add a page to all groups:

    class my_group_page extends BP_Group_Extension {
    	function __construct() {
    		$args = array( 'slug' => 'page_slug', 'name' => 'Page Name', 'nav_item_position' => 12 );
    		parent::init( $args );
    	function display( $group_id = NULL ) {
    		// page code goes here
    bp_register_group_extension( 'my_group_page' );



    I think you’re talking about the Who’s Online widget… just don’t add that widget to your sidebar.



    Changing the default sizes won’t improve any avatar images you’ve already got. These are cached at the default sizes, so to improve the quality to the new size you will need to re-upload them.



    You don’t say which fb plugin you’re using. Anyway, you’d be best served to ask the author of that plugin really.



    Exact location of this depends on your theme, of course, so this is based on themes that are using BP Legacy.

    When a group admin views the single forum post, at the top of the post you should see the date on the left and then options at the right: CLOSE | STICK | MERGE | BIN | SPAM | REPLY – just click on STICK.

    This will stick it to the top of the group’s forum.

    Hope that helps



    Add this to your wp-config.php file before the line that says /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ or your bp-config.php file.

    define( 'BP_ENABLE_ROOT_PROFILES', true );

    That comes from this page:

    Sometimes the person who knows the answer simply doesn’t see the post 😉



    This is just in theory, as my install doesn’t show any actions buttons for the current user in the list anyway, but you could try just hiding the buttons with this CSS:

    ul#members-list div.action { display: none; }

    Obviously I can’t test that though but it should work if your theme also uses the BP Legacy templates.

    Hope that helps



    Hi. I wonder if you’re getting a little confused as to what Super Socializer and BuddyPress actually do? Although they both allow people to have an account on your site, they’re not really the same thing.

    Super Socializer allows you to cross-post your own blog posts onto Facebook, etc, and to then amalgamate any comments back to the original blog post. But the important thing to note is that it’s only really about your blog posts.

    BuddyPress (with bbPress) allows you to have people create forum posts and send each other messages, completely independently of any blog posts you may make.

    Of course, Super Socializer would also be of benefit to a BuddyPress install as it would allow users to set up and log in to a BuddyPress account using their Facebook login.

    I’ve never used Super Socializer, btw.

    Hope that helps





    I’ve never used such a thing, but your enquiry piqued my interest so I did a quick Google and found this premium plugin called ProfilePress: I also found mention of Gravity Forms with User Registration add-on (also premium) doing what you want too:

    I’d be interested to hear how you get on with that.

    Hope that helps




    Have a look at WooCommerce Memberships:



    I can recommend the WooCommerce WooMembers bundle – allows you to limit access to the site and take monthly subscription payments:

    It mostly works with BuddyPress (in that you can limit access to most pages and bbPress forum posts) but they do have work to do to make it fully protect a BP install, but it is on their radar.

    Hope that helps



    Well, you said that content needs to be fully public, so I guessed that full protection of BP’s content didn’t worry you.

    Apart from that, the only thing really missing from the Woo bundle is account area integration, but there is another plugin that deals with that:

    It’s meant more for the shop side of WooCommerce, but it seems to do the trick.



    @henrywright Like I said… off the top of my head 🙂



    Actually, ‘Admin’, ‘Everyone (Admin Editable)’ and ‘Only Me (Admin Editable)’ are not part of BuddyPress and are added by the plugin.

    If you use the plugin and set the field visibility to ‘Only Me (Admin Editable)’ then the field will only be visible to the user and the Admin. You could also use the ‘Admin’ settings to, for example, add notes about the user that the user can’t see.

    The plugin initially sets the admin to be the main admin account, but it gives this code snippet in its FAQs to enable you to set the capability required, so editors can also see the field:

    function custom_profile_fields_visibility() {
          return ‘edit_others_posts’; // Editors
    add_filter( ‘bp_admin_only_profile_fields_cap’, ‘custom_profile_fields_visibility’ );



    Off the top of my head, it should just be a case of :

    $needs = explode( ", ", bp_member_profile_data(‘field=School Needs: Social Welfare’) );

    Which should then put an array into $needs like this:

        [0] => Environmental programmes
        [1] => Sports development



    If getting your hands dirty with SQL scares you (like it does me) BP has its own functions:

    $member_type = "doctor"; // slug of member type
    if ( bp_has_members( array ( 'type' => 'alphabetical', 'per_page' => 1000, 'member_type' => $member_type ) ) ) {
    	while ( bp_members() ) : bp_the_member();
    		// code



    Try the WooCommerce Members bundle…



    I know it’s not quite what you’re looking for, but you could always just disable profile uploading in Buddypress’ settings and encourage your users to set up a Gravatar account.



    I know it’s not quite what you’re looking for, but you could always disable profile uploading in Buddypress’ settings and encourage your users to set up a Gravatar account.



    Try this plugin. It hasn’t been updated for 2 years, but it works perfectly for me.

    BuddyPress Admin Only Profile Fields

    Adds these options to the visibility options: ‘Admin’, ‘Everyone (Admin Editable)’ and ‘Only Me (Admin Editable)’

    Hope that helps

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