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  • @petronic


    I made a little plugin that allows you to have different BP on each domain, but there are limitations.

    As jjj said, there is always one user base and plugin just adds different BP components on each site (like activities that user take, groups, messages..).

    I’m not using forum so I’m not sure if this plugin would made different forum instances.

    My plugin is basically making copies of tables for each site, e.g.

    for friends table which is “wp_bp_friends”, plugin makes copies like:

    wp_bp_1_friends (for site with id 1)

    wp_bp_2_friends (for site with id 2)



    Thank you all for your interest.

    jjj is right, activity comments are implemented as wire, so all limits for wires also apply here.




    yes everything is public in the current version of BuddyPress. In order to view these new fields all that you have to do is to fill them.

    I not sure if I misunderstand what your problem is, so I apologize if this is something you already know.

    So, after you finished adding new fields in admin section, go to your Buddypress profile page, hit Edit profile. On the first page you will see fields from the Base group. If you are using Buddypress default theme, look at the gray bar just under SocialNetwork title. On this bar you will see something like:

    [ME] [MY PROFILE] [Base] [and here should be your new groups]

    Just click on your group, enter some text in those fields and they will be shown on your profile page.



    I created plugin that gives users option to choose which profile data they want to share. It is not exactly what you are looking for, but maybe it can help someone.

    For details, please go to:



    Thank you, Jeff.

    I created new ticket.




    I wrote a simple plugin that enables BuddyPress to work with MultiSite. Unfortunately, it requires few changes in BuddyPress core files (adding some actions). Maybe BuddyPress authors will consider adding this actions in some of the future releases.

    The easiest way to have one BuddyPress instance but separate BuddyPress networks on different domains is to create a new set of tables for each site. I not very happy with this solution, but as WPMU creates new sets of tables for each blog, I guess it will be OK to have few sets of BuddyPress tables for each domain (site). And this could improve performance because tables will be smaller and interaction between them is not needed.

    If anyone is interested in BuddyPress working with MultiSite, please contact me.



    I am very interested in privacy component. How is it going so far? Do you have some estimation when will it be available to test or use?

    What I have found as a must regarding privacy (until now) is:

    – allowing user to set what details from profile s/he wants to be public, available just to friends or private

    – settings on activity streams which will allow user to select what type of activities s/he wants to be displayed in sitewide activity, be available to friends or be totally private. This settings could be similar to Notification settings (for email notifications).

    I intended to write this on my own, but found out that it can’t be done easily without changing activity core files (and that is never a good option) and then I discovered that you are working on privacy component. So, if you see a way how I can help in development process, please let me know.

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