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  • @priyam1234


    Hello @imath @all,

    i want to know about buddypreess funcitonlity.

    there are any feture availble in wich old comment not display.

    i explain clearly, from my side many comment not display if they are old , but after this code

    add_filter(‘bp_use_legacy_activity_query’, function ($value, $method, $args) {
    if ($method == “BP_Activity_Activity::get_activity_comments”) {
    return true;
    }, 10, 3);

    i can see old comments , but cant able to delete .

    anyone know about this please give me guidence.
    thank you



    Hello @imath, can you add functinality to upload media on comment



    Hello @imath, can I close the activation key process during registration? I mean, I want to directly redirect the user to the login page after registration.



    Hello @imath

    i want on off functionality on registration notification.
    when ever new user come it inform to all other user about that and also if any onew change theri profile image or cover image then it inform about that .

    BUt some user do not want that so i suggest yoou to give options about that .

    alos, make registartion page shortcode so we can edit it with elementor or access it whenever we want. i hoe you understande my problem.

    if i need any other requirment then i definalty inform you

    thank you so much



    Hello i have one requirment .
    i do not know it already has or not. if it has then please guid me.

    Requirment:- In registation extra field, if i enter any extra field and set it as a required , then if any user keep it blank on registraio time then it stop further process but it not give any notice or warning to that user like “PLease fill this require field” .



    hello @imath

    i appreciate your team work.

    you have list of plugins which handle by your company or compatible with buddypress. it helps me a lot.

    thank you



    Hello @vapvarun
    thanks for your suggestion .

    BUt , i cant say it to my all client which are more then 700 .



    Hello sir

    Its argent Issue

    with new version of buddypress(12.0.1) there are criticle error face because of old function deprecated . because there are lot of plugin such “buddy press integration with woocomerce” , “bbpress” any other which depend upon buddypress they do not change there functions .

    I request you to if any plugin wich from your company not compatible with buddypress new version please make it compatible ASAP.



    Hello sir

    Q-1) in user profile this function ” bp_profile_group_tabs();” give list only when you have more then two group

    Q-2) we check that better message new version has issue , mini widget and chat box not not open only skelton effect display, some time it works proper but some time give issue . please check in both role user admin and normal.



    Hello sir what about my issue please help me.



    i want to set buddypress pages in menu such “activity , members, groups ” in demo import , but i cant do that currently . in your last version with dmo import i get your pages defaulty set in header menu. any solution you have for me? thank you in advance.



    Thank you for your replay , you have any suggestion . i want to enable “Buddypress diectrory” screen options which display on top of apperance -> menu using code, not manually. so you can provide code or any suggestion for me.



    and also i want default on your screen options “buddypress directories” which is display on apperance->menu , so give me any title or slug .



    I have one more doubt , with new version it will store directory page fix I’d, I mean if I want to to delete your pages in buddypress directories post type and add my pages in that post type so it automatic take that as a perticular directory such as activity, group etc

    In short I want to import demo ,but in my XML file it already have buddypress directories pages and so I got two same names pages in buddypress I am confused which page I have to delete. Please reply me ASAP. Thank you



    now its compatible with better messages new version thank you



    Hello, I’m facing another issue. I am unable to set the location of “Better Messages” to “Show in BuddyPress profile.” I encountered a severe error. I’ve also tested it on the default theme, where I only activated BuddyPress and the Better Messages plugin. I’ve successfully set the Better Messages location to work with other pages. Please assist as soon as possible; it’s urgent.



    Okky i found my issue thank you so much for your every support.



    You and your teamar are great. I have one last question . i have my all ACF fields in set_general_options() function. could you please provied me hook with the help of i can put that field in your <<BuddyPress directories>>



    Hello, I noticed that I can’t retrieve the ID from your directory page URL using ‘url_to_postid()’. Could you provide guidance? Additionally, I’m having difficulty understanding the function you sent for ACF fields.



    Thank you for documnetation it is very helpfull for me, about ACF we will check and inform you.

    Also, i want funtion in which i can get directory titles.



    Okky , please inform me.
    One more question, I want function by using it I. Get archive page url such activity, members, group etc..



    Hello @imath , thank you for your replay . I appreciate BP new version, I just want to know that if I want to use latest version of BP and also want to use ACF so that is possible.if not so please find some solution for that. Because its key functionality in our theme.

    Note:- I do not want to use BP classic ,I want to go with new version of BP.
    Thank you



    About BP Classic, it give us pages but i can use ild functinlity how can i use new one with page.



    In new version you remove all pages , how I can use ACF plugin option and I want to give option in redux field in which user can select pages but now I can’t . Please give me guidence.

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