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  • @psycolor


    i added a link because i tried quotes ‘ ‘, backticks `, dots, and unless i’m going stupid everything is stripping off the php tag at the start of the line: you managed to do it but i can’t seem to display the full code in the post (it is in the message though, which is quite interesting)

    i’m afraid that for a non-programmer, or someone who can ‘chew’ some simple code, what you mentioned in the post makes sense in principle, but coding in php it’s at a different story… as i said i managed some conditional stuff in the single page/post and occasionally i used some functions in the template functions.php, but this was also why i was asking about practical examples to understand the mechanic of things. and unless i'm going stupid everything is stripping off the php tag at the start of the line: you managed to do it but i can't seem to display the full code in the post (it is in the message though, which is quite interesting)

    i'm afraid that for a non-programmer, or someone who can 'chew' some simple code, what you mentioned in the post makes sense in principle, but coding in php it's at a different story... as i said i managed some conditional stuff in the single page/post and occasionally i used some functions in the template functions.php, but this was also why i was asking about practical examples to understand the mechanic of things.



    Hi Roger (and everyone else!), i think i’m going somewhere now, but will need some extra input. hopefully the thread will be an additional useful example!

    ok, this is where i am at: default theme with the ajax controllers at the top of the activity stream. in the activity folder of the child theme i have an index.php and activity-loop.php and and entry.php.

    basically i’ve got a ‘private’ area with content accessible only to staff. for normal post/pages i have is an extra check based on a custom field for posts and the category for pages like the following and then based on the group membership i either show a message or the actual content: (top)

    now, because the group is private, the BP stuff is not showing in the activity stream already, which is good, but the posts/pages bypass my checks and come up in the list of activities showing the actual content which should be private instead.

    so, here is what i came up with so far. using the index.php i check the group membership and then load two different activity-loops: (bottom)

    how would you exclude stuff? in the bp_has_activity function there is an ‘include’ option which allows to filter content, but not an ‘exclude’ one. it might be trivial to go around it, but not sure how. furthermore if you use the dropdown filter i have the impression that the arguments are passed dynamically resetting whatever is passed in the original query (like in your example and some i’ve tried using the same model).

    i would very much appreciate any further suggestion! thanks



    Roger, thanks. i did look at this very document, but when i went to figure out where to define the additional filter i got a bit lost…

    is there any document which is explaining in a bit more details which activities are included in the loop and which are not in the default theme and help to understand things?
    as far as i can understand there are three files involved: the entry.php, the activity-loop.php and the bp-activity-templatetags.php, but, like in other places it is advised not to change the default theme, i’m trying to figure out 1) where to make changes and 2) how to achieve it without breaking anything. that’s why a couple of examples beyond what is in the codex would be particularly useful.



    my post was never answered but the problem is similar: customising what goes in the main activity loop without using the plugin blocking certain types of activity altogether.

    does anyone have a good tutorial/docs explaining how to work on the customisation in more details with a practical example?



    anyone on how to customise the loop to include public group activities to the main stream?



    the bp_xprofile has a table with variables user_id, field_id, value. so if you have a field_id (gender) = x then it is easy to use a query which checks which value is set for a particular user.
    you can use the function to fetch the right stuff. hope this is putting on the right direction

    xprofile_get_field_data( “fieldname”);



    Roger thanks for the useful suggestion.
    i think that getting into modifying the plugin is out of my league, but i can definitely look into how to use the function you suggested.

    i’m surpised that nobody has implemented this sort of things already!




    thanks, this is quite useful to address the issue to block out everything. what i was after is a little more fine-grained. for example there are out there a few plugins which use wordpress roles to limit access to posts or even categories. can anyone suggest a way of using a buddypress group or a field from the extended profile to limit access to posts/pages (rather than activities like forum posts etc?

    i understand that if one is not member of a private group they cannot see the group activities in the stream, but how to make certain pages only accessible based on buddypress group membership?

    many thanks!



    did you check if the url of the picture in the rendered page is the same as where the pictures have actully been uploaded? if the title shows, but not the picture it is probably because the paths don’t match and obviously there is no picture to load.



    i’m not sure if i’m posting in the wrong place, if i’m asking the wrong questions or both?

    does anyone have a clue about the above and where the code which does the update of the profile fields actually is? some guidance/suggestion (any) will be very helpful to put me in the right direction! thanks



    i kind of chew some code and can hack some small changes, but certainly don’t know enough php or buddypress to be able to change it myself…
    in fact i also looked at the autosuggest plugin and could not make it work even changing the id of the field in the option page…

    that one is actually not very good s i understand that allows searches only from the heading/titles of the posts and doesn’t use categories, tags etc… if i manage to understand why the field id is not working i’ve got the sql statement to pull out all the friends though! will give you an update later.



    this is actually a great suggestion as it lead me to re-think about the use of jquery and json, which might take me in the right direction. i’ll see how far i can go with it!



    i came across a similar problem after upgrading WP to the latest patch and have the latest buddypress… i didn’t notice it earlier, but none of my members is listed either (in the member directory) but they appear under a group membership (all are autojoined in a group automatically)…
    i have no clue what to look for here, but if i can help provide more info to debug this please let me know!

    i checked the wp_users table and from phpmyadmin i updated all ‘user_status’ to 0 and ‘auto_join_complete’ to 1. this has done the trick for me!



    hi everyone, i was hoping that someone was willing to share their experiences with the management of profile and the confusion generated by the standard link to the wp profile and the buddypress edit profile, but i can see that there are no takers…

    so question going back ot the developers: i found a plugin which allows to edit the admin menu in the dashboard called ‘admin menu editor’. using this plugin i can manually change the links to the various pages. my intention is to change the profile link (profile.php) to the buddypress one. however, the problem is that this link is dynamically generated based on the user: ie

    and this is where i need some guidance. is there a way to call a slug for the user which is going to work in the dashboard?




    they don’t get to the dashboard by default, but the link appears in the adminbar. from there things are really confusing for people because in the profile from the dashboard you have the default WP profile fields. from the ‘my profile’ they get the fields of buddypress.

    now the quick and dirty thing to do would be to remove the dashboard link from the admin bar, but depending on the roles (i.e. editors and admins) it is handy to have the link.

    the question is on the buddypress side: why if buddypress is installed the standard link to edit user in the admin panel is not redirected? (i’m guessing that this would be the easiest thing to do, but i have no clue how :(



    has any of you tried to work more with simple press instead? i’m sure not everyone will agree, but there are quite a few appealing function of simple press as an ‘easy’ alternative to bbpress. because it is all in a page, there must be some clever way of writing plugin which allows to call a specific subforum link?

    it has been a very long time since i’ve looked at phpbb, but integration with wp never seemed easy with that one!



    not sure when and how they will manage to find a solution for everyone. there are tons of post about this issue. have a look at this other one as well:

    although my original solution worked with one host (IX webhosting), i tried the exact same procedure on another one (hostgator) and it didn’t work. i the latter it is not url problem it is something else as the imges appear fine, but the crop is failing.



    i’m interested in finding out about possible options. i believe that your issue could be solved using the WPMU Default User Role plugin. this allows you to assign a default blog (could be any id) for new registrations, but for example you cant seem to be able to go in a blog and register for the specific blog only, you get a ‘site registration’ instead



    if none of them work it does mean that your mod rewrite doesn’t work properly. this might be more likely with IIS servers, especially in hosted environments as usually the hosting service makes it a pain to alter server configuration files. if you can add the .htaccess file to the root folder of your wp installation and it should solve the problem



    have you got firebug? the way i had to try to solve the issue was painful, making one change at a time, but if you inspect the area around where the alt text is appearing you can see the paths where stuff is referring to.

    for you i’m pretty sure that it is just a matter to change the path to the correct location. i.e. with MU is wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files, for the standalone it should be under miscellaneous settings and i had the full path to the upload folder (people normally keep it outside the WP installation) and the full url is blank for me.

    i had to change the htaccess file because the rewrite gave me issues with the slash ‘/’. if i had it at the start it would duplicate it (i.e. and if i left it out it would modify the path completely (i.e it seems that the upload worked in the second instance, but then the reference to the files is not displaying, whilst the first is breaking the upload as well.
    hope this helps you, there is another thread discussing similar issues (



    ok, it took me a few hours to figure this out! then i upgraded to wp 3.0 beta 1 in case this was solved, but the exact same behaviour occurr. with the help of another thread and some research, the solution seem to be working now. you guys maintaining the buddypress site can verify if it works for you as well.

    there are two problems here:
    – the htaccess file need to be changed for wp 3.0 (and i guess it was the same for wp2.9.2)
    – the settings of the main blog must also be modified.

    this is what is in my htaccess for wp 3.0
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /

    # uploaded files
    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/$ index.php [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*wp-content/plugins.*
    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/(.*) wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$2 [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^ – [L]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]

    # add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*/wp-admin$
    RewriteRule ^(.+)$ $1/ [R=301,L]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule . – [L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-.*) $2 [L]
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*.php)$ $2 [L]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]

    SecFilterEngine Off
    SecFilterScanPOST Off

    the settings of the main blog can be accessed via the ‘sites’ under superadmin and then ‘edit’, all the site options are under there (as i didn’t use the WPMU before i struggled to find the options for a while!)
    here there are 3 different entries for upload (don’t ask me why)
    1- upload path: i set this to wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files
    2- upload url path: i left this blank as after a few experiment doesn’t seem to do anything
    3- file upload url: also left blank as it seems to duplicate the base url
    i’m guessing this might be a bug, but for now it does solve the problem!

    maybe this will save people some time…

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