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  • @qbuster


    @dagicueppers Mostly fixed with WP 2.9.2 by creating pages called Members, Groups, Forums, etc but there are still issues.

    I’m now testing everything with WordPress 3.0 RC1 (on a remote Linux server) and oddly enough the same issues arise and, sadly, don’t appear to be solved by the above solution.




    Thanks for that explanation re: localhost.

    But my main issue (and looking at the earlier posts in this thread over the last few weeks, it is a problem experienced by several other posters) is the same sort of problem on my remote site, . I can get as far as Member and Group pages but if I try to click on a member to display their profile, the site re-directs to About.

    I’ve been struggling with this for some time (see earlier post in this and other threads). In an attempt to isolate the problem I have reverted to a standard bp 123 theme- including choosing a non-default permalink – but the problem persists and it is a real show stopper as I can’t launch the site as is.

    Thanks for your response,



    # BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress



    Well, I’ve been frustrated by this now for weeks and no-one seems to want to try and help. Let me describe two scenarios that demonstrate the two problems above in the hope that someone will try to solve them:

    1. I have just installed a completely fresh WP 2.92 and BP default 1.2.3 on my local server (localhost). I followed TO THE LETTER the instructions given on Permalink is set to the first non-default option. The install went well and the site looks good. However, Clicking on the menu items Members, Groups, Forms, Activites etc gives:

    The requested URL alias for /members/ is not defined.

    Question: What do I do to get the pages display properly?

    2. I Have a live site which fares somewhat better. I can get as far as Member and Group pages but if I try to click on a member to display their profile, the site re-directs to About.

    Please, please, there must be someone out there who can help me on what both seems to be fundamental path issues. In both cases .htaccess contains:

    # BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress

    Thanks in advance




    Is there a beta in progress? Is there somewhere where I could see what new features are expected?



    I’m experiencing similar problems. I have BuddyPress working quite well on the Atahualpa theme at but whilst I can get a list of members, clicking on a member’s profile gets me re-directed to About/Home.

    As insisted upon when I first linked in BP, Permalinks is set to something other than Default. I have tried all of the non-default options and they don’t solve the problem.

    Very frustrating!



    I too am frustrated by the lack of functional/appearance control of the admin bar. Mine varies in colour and contrast depending on which part of my site one is located.

    Just how does one tweak the admin bar?



    I’m having the same error with theme Mandigo. I’m running wp 2.9.2 and buddypress Widgets 1.1.2 on a Linux host.

    Having looked at the code, it breaks down at:

    $wpmu = function_exists(‘is_site_admin’); //from functions.php

    if ( !function_exists( ‘is_site_admin’ ) ) { //bp-core-wpabstraction.php

    function is_site_admin() {

    if ( current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) )

    return true;

    return false;



    // if this is WordPress MU // from footer.php

    if ($wpmu) {

    $current_site = get_current_site();

    In my case I am not running WP-MU but it appears bp-core-wpabstraction.php has a user ‘manage_options’ rights so the system thinks it is wp-mu and then can’t find the wp-mu function get_current_site() (which I presume was once unique to wp-mu but is now in wp 2.9.2)



    I’m having the same issues (and looking at the number of similar posts under a variety of headings, so are many others). My website is

    I provide the following detail in case someone can figure out what the problem is.

    What seems to be consistent is Home and About work whereas Groups, Members, Activity and Forums give either a 404 or report page not found. The urls that fail are mydomain/menuitem/ but usually if one inserts index.php like this mydomain/index.php/menuitem/ then one gets a page that seems to be a template for either Home or Activities but without any content. This page is always the same regardless of the menu item selected.



    I’ve got the same problems with and I’ve see many people reporting similar problems under various post subject headings. Has anyone logged this as a bug?

    In my case as I am hosted on a Windows server running IIS 6.0 I have seen the numerous suggestions that have been made but none have worked.

    My .htaccess contains the following line – can anyone tell me why that is there?

    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    I’m really desperate for a solution to this; I’ve spent well over a week trying to solve it and can’t can’t go live with my site until it is fixed.



    I’m experiencing virtually the same problem. See The site is based on WP 2.92 and Buddypress 1.2.3 then Buddypress Widget Theme. I have tried various flavours of Buddypress with a variety of other themes aa well as trying to install as a sub-directory and in the root. The current trial is roo-based.

    Looking at your website you will see that when you click on the links that work the url on is based on the root and the other contains a reference to /index.php/. When you click on other menu items – say members – the url is based on the root – thus /members/ . Clicking on that gives a raw 404. If you change that to /index.php/members/ you will find that you will get a page from your website that just says ‘Page not found’. (On my website I don’t get ‘page not found, I get the home page).

    Now the bad news. I have shown that this is somehow related to /index.php/ but despite playing with this for the past week, I haven’t been able to figure out what is wrong – let us hope that someone here will take the clue and figure out the answer.

    One other thing – if you create a new folder in the root called, say, /members/ and place a dummy index.htm in there, then as expected clicking on Members will open that page.

    All this suggest to me some sort of mis-redirection – can anyone help?





    Yes there is, Unfortunately it doesn’t work (and has been reported as a bug but the issue appears to have been closed without resolution).

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