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  • @r083r7


    Found the answer.




    Found the file!
    It’s in buddypress > bp-groups > bp-groups-template.php

    But I’m not sure how to create the folder structure in my theme folder, I tried this but it didn’t work 🙁

    [child-theme-folder] > buddypress > bp-groups > bp-groups-template.php



    if anyone knows please let me know 🙂



    That’s it, thanks so much!



    Here is the part I’m trying to edit.

    Not sure which file to make the esits in.



    I’m trying to do something similar. I’m trying to show a specific user’s avatar. Would like to create a shortcode to identify them by user_id.



    I’m still looking for better examples. Still not sure if this is possible or how to implement this.



    Thank you and I will test this out. I added it as a shortcode to one of my pages but noticed some issues, especially when I added several of these on the same page. Will troubleshoot to narrow down the problem and report back later this week.

    Thanks for your help so far 🙂



    Will do, thanks!

    Random shoutout – WBCom Themes are great for BuddyPress community sites plus they have great support, as seen here.



    Ohh hello @wbcomdesigns – I’m actually using your theme REIGN. Here is the screenshot for the Registration page with the sidebar options enabled, but they’re still not showing up. They are showing up on all other pages, however.






    Sure I can just use child/styles.css

    I’m using the Genesis Framework, specifically using the Genesis Sample child-theme.

    Header? You mean the part that’s commented in the css file on top? Here it is:

    	Theme Name: Genesis Sample
    	Theme URI:
    	Description: This is the sample theme created for the Genesis Framework.
    	Author: StudioPress
    	Author URI:
    	Version: 2.2.4
    	Template: genesis
    	Template Version: 2.2.3



    On a related note do you use the same technique to the other files to edit the BP theme. I mean only copy the file you want to edit and only include the custom edits.

    For example plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/activity/activity-loop.php




    Thanks for the tips.

    Here’s what I did earlier:
    – I did in fact copy the /child/buddypress/css/buddypress.css file, including all css.
    – I did not make any changes to it so far, I’m just testing how this works at this point.

    Something doesn’t seem right if I’m understanding what you said. If I delete everything in the /child/buddypress/css/buddypress.css file I’m not adding anything. It should just jump to the default buddypress.css file and display the default BP look. Instead, when I clear the file it basically strips all css and that’s it. The BP pages look unstyled since there isn’t any css loading.

    Did some more troubleshooting and seems like if I have the /child/buddypress/css/buddypress.css file it just loads that file and stops there, it doesn’t reach out to the default buddypress.css.

    I’m going to keep troubleshooting, any ideas as to what’s going on please let me know.



    Well that was strange.

    I deactivated all my plugins except for BuddyPress. Then activated them all again. WORKS !!!

    If anyone has any theories as to why it worked it would be nice to know.



    I must be missing something basic.

    Just to clarify this is the correct location:

    genesis-sample is the child theme by the way.



    OK fair enough. I did look through the BP codex regarding this and am still unclear what is the best and easiest path.

    My site is basic and includes the Header, Content, and Footer. I am using Genesis theme and created another template where I make several adjustments to the Header and this template is called buddypress.php and I can select it when I’m in the backend and creating pages. I’m sure there are many paths but I was thinking that the easiest one is to simply have BP load the new template I created, for all BP pages. I’m pretty sure currently it is loading the themes template called “pages.php”

    Please point me in the right direction, much appreciated.



    Yes, Thanks!

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