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  • @ravanh


    OK, yes this is normal because I’m logged in. Logged out, the non-public sites are no longer visible.



    UPDATE: this seems to only happen in specific cases where the user that created the site is no longer associated with that site.

    For example, when the site was created by Super Admin but later other users where assigned and super admin was removed from the site user list. In this case, it seems BuddyPress just picks the first user associated with that site, which may not even be an admin.

    It’d be better to try to determine the site owner (and thus, gravatar to use) based on these fallback steps:
    1. get admin Email Address and search matching user;
    2. if no user found, then get the first admin user associated with the site;
    3. if no admin user, then first editor… etc.



    @Paul is there any general rule of thumb for minimum server configuration size?

    @all here is some info about my experience for others that would like to know more about size issues in advance:

    I’m using the smallest VPS on (512MB) with 64bit Debian. With hindsight I should probably have chosen a 32bit install because that is said to consume less memory but still it is enough for one WordPress Multi-site and some of the bigger plugins like Jetpack with not too many sites and average traffic on the network. Installed Nginx/PHP5-FPM instead of Apache and for caching I added APC and WP Super Cache (in PHP mode) which did help a lot in getting the max out of the little machine. Pretty high speeds I must say, but loading BuddyPress on top of that and the thing started squeaking.

    I have removed BuddyPress and cleared the completely fragmented opcode cache (had to restart PHP service because it refused to be cleared through the manager) and all is well again.

    Maybe it would be possible to run a single site WP installation with BuddyPress on such a small server… or even multi-site but without any other memory-hungry plugins… or maybe some more tweaking of the APC settings (cache size and ttl) might make it pass… but I’m not going to try that on a live install 😉



    Oh, this is BuddyPress 1.6.2 on WP 3.5 in Multisite mode.

    And I just noticed this is coming from APC Opcode Cache which is suddenly massively running out of space with a HUGE cache full count. I’m afraid BuddyPress IS a bit big for this low-end VPS 🙁



    @dinoraptor101 so you use the plugin or did you test without it? If you did use it, maybe a bug report post on about it would help get it solved :)



    @Travel-Junkie , any news or status updates on the JobBoardr plugin? I’ve got a potential client asking for this functionality so if some new development input and heavy testing on my part can be of use or if a financial incentive is needed to get the project rolling again, let me know… :)

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