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  • @rene-streber


    Thanks for your answer. Unfortunately, it did not appear.

    There is no visibility setting in the name. A colleague of mine changed this field from Name to nickname last week. Could this be a reason. I redefined it to Name again.

    I also deactivated contact form 7 but nothing happened at the sign-up page.

    I also deactivated the xprofile component and reactivated it, but it keeps still the same.




    So back to buddypress forum 😉

    First of, it is working again but I created a new page without a parent (first level) and allocated the group component to that new page.

    The old page was at a second level and as I told you, had the same issue to open the single groups with another theme.

    Now it is also working with new Boss Theme!

    Thanks for your quick support!



    may be another hint to resolve this issue

    Boss theme activitated:
    when I’m on the group component (directory) page
    the firefox tab shows me “group” but the url is community/gruppen (in german)
    it doesn’t fit

    another Wordpess Theme activated:
    when I’m on the group component (directory) page
    the firefox tab shows me “gruppen” but the url is community/gruppen (in german)
    it does fit



    I deactivated all plugins,
    I checked all permalinks,
    activated the twenty four theme from wordpress instead of the Boss theme (language looked fine),
    activated buddypress (language looked fine, everything is correctly translated)

    activated the BOSS Theme (language is not 100% translated:
    examples: active, all groups, my groups, group has xx members, newly created etc. is not translated
    although we installed the newest german translation (mo/po in wp-content/languages/plugins)

    The same translation problem exists with sidewide activity as well as member directory (here all members, my friends in English)

    For groups (; parent is community, template is default)
    For members (; parent is community, template is default)

    404 error if I try to open any group with wordpress or with the boss theme

    I did not run the last steps, because the issue is still present.

    Ps Every buddypress component has its own unique page


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