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  • @rfauster


    Eventually I found the problem.. Every Media that gets uploaded is stored in the wp_x_posts table and when I transfered the Data, I thought why not delete all these Auto Save files (with the status “inherit” in it).. Well this deleted the post attachments too.

    So the post_attachments are stored in the postmeta aswell as the posts table (in case somebody else runs in the same problem)




    Just pass the scope in the loop:

    if ( bp_has_activities( ‘scope=friends’ ) )

    I used to do

    if ( bp_has_activities( ‘type=friends&max=10’ ) )

    however sind BP 1.2 there are quite a few changes in how the activities work and I haven’t gotten my head around them yet completely..



    HI Andy

    Thank you very much…

    Worked like a charm and put it in a plugin.. If people think they can use it, I am happy to share.



    The Widget renders from bp-core-widgets.php (look for BP_Core_Recently_Active_Widget).

    It calls bp_member_avatar that renders out the avatars using the filter bp_get_member_avatar (see bp-core-templatetags.php).

    I assume that it would be possible to alter the filter accordingly so that it only shows files other than the mysterman.

    of course you would probably have to think about how to keep the amount of members the same since cutting 9 out of 10 off the filter and have the widget show 15 users it would end up showing only 1 user .



    It all finally works now – THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

    I ended up using a completly random HASH for the UserName since I was not feeling safe using your JavaScript.

    This feature should be put in one of the future Releases of BuddyPress since indeed the concept of using Usernames to Login is old and with Features like Gravatar Support, the site itself should use email as the main auth form.

    Just for completion so somebody might want to do the same thing:

    I modified the register.php in registration subfolder like this




    <!– Fool Registration that the Username is a Random Generated HASH –>

    <input type=”hidden” name=”signup_username” id=”signup_username” value=”<?php echo sha1( uniqid( mt_rand(), true ) . time() ) ?>” />

    <label for=”signup_email”><?php _e( ‘Email Address’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?> <?php _e( ‘(required)’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?></label>

    <?php do_action( ‘bp_signup_email_errors’ ) ?>

    <input type=”text” name=”signup_email” id=”signup_email” value=”<?php bp_signup_email_value() ?>” />




    and used Beau Leben’s WP Email Plugin



    Ok just for me to get it right.

    I need to do the custom registration with the javascript trick you posted and then use the plugin.

    I think I understand now.. the first custom registration basically generates a random username that gets stored in the database and the plugin pulls out the proper username based on the email and logs the user in..



    Well I am not after hacking Core Files and that is not really what I am doing.. I am just working in the functions.php in my template directory.

    The reason why I want to use emails as (login)-usernames is that they are unique and I since services like google or facebook use the very same method I simply like the idea to give the user what he is used.

    More importantly (and this just came into my mind).. I am german and there are Names using “Umlaute” like ä, ö, ü..

    Now if I register a user whose name is “Björn”, the validation refuses to accept him. Also some users might be signing up with their full name like “Roland Fauster” as a username but bp or wp converts this to “rolandfauster” so the registration works with this however the user gets stored in the database as “rolandfauster” and can only login with this username whereas he can not be properly made aware of this (and if I display a message i am bound to accept that users don’t read what we stick in front of their faces :) )

    Thanx for the Links I will check these out and see if I can work with them!



    This plugin does not help me.. I checked this already and its for LOGIN not Registering.

    logging in yeah, i can use it but first I need users with an email as username ;)






    Thanx.. I will most likely end up using this approach eventhough I am a fan of small code and rather have these codes not render at all :)



    I wanted to do the same thing as h4x3d and tried his dirty trick which works..

    Anyhow here is how I did it (dunno if this is less dirty)

    $platforms = xprofile_get_field_data('Plattformen');
    $data = xprofile_format_profile_field('checkbox', $platforms);
    echo $data;



    I am having the exact same issue but deactivating ALL plugins didnt work for me either..

    I have made a fresh install, tried to update the permalink to default (which gave me the same result having the same page over and over again)..

    Is there an error somewhere else possible?

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