rickkumar posted on the forum topic List ”THE BEST” web-hosting provider for BuddyPress websites that provides this? in the group BuddyPress Hosting: 14 years, 5 months ago
Thanks @hnla
rickkumar posted on the forum topic List ”THE BEST” web-hosting provider for BuddyPress websites that provides this? in the group BuddyPress Hosting: 14 years, 5 months ago
So how does one get around the limited storage if he/she needs lots of storage for all the photos/videos that people will upload in to BP sites? Lets say my webhost provides 100GB storage, and I need lot more because users are loading so much media. Now what will happen? What is the solution? Is […]
rickkumar started the forum topic Can WordPress/BP folks (Automattic) provide BP web Hosting or Recommend a web host? in the group BuddyPress Hosting: 14 years, 5 months ago
I am looking for a BP host but that allows unlimited domains on one account. I just want to have a single account if we launch multiple sites instead of a separate hosting account for each domain? I was wondering if folks at WordPress/BuddyPress can either provide web hosting Or Recommend a web host. Given […]
rickkumar posted on the forum topic Can WordPress/BuddyPress provide BP web Hosting or Recommend a web host? in the group BuddyPress Hosting: 14 years, 5 months ago
I am happy to pay but want worry free hosting. I am not looking for shared hosting but more like VPS/Cloud hosting. I am thinking if Automattic provides or recommends hosting, then at least it will be properly created for WP/WPMU/BP installs. The reason I suggested WordPress/BuddyPress was that I already know Automattic provides hosting […]
rickkumar posted on the forum topic List "THE BEST" web-hosting provider for BuddyPress websites that provides this? in the group BuddyPress Hosting: 14 years, 5 months ago
@hnla I understand your comments about unlimited:) I think you missed the point I was making. I just want to know upfront what will be the cost if my “storage” and “bandwidth” exceeds my plan. Many hosts provide the cost for using extra “bandwidth”. Unfortunately, I have not seen any host that tells you what they […]
rickkumar started the forum topic List ”THE BEST” web-hosting provider for BuddyPress websites that provides this? in the group BuddyPress Hosting: 14 years, 5 months ago
Guys, Lets list “THE BEST” web-hosting provider for BuddyPress websites that provides this criteria: – Unlimited Unique Domains on a single account (domain1.com, domain7.com, and so on) – Unlimited (or extremely cheap) and fast Bandwidth. At least tells us up front what the additional bandwidth cost will be if our sites use a lot of […]
rickkumar joined the group BuddyPress Hosting 14 years, 5 months ago
rickkumar joined the group BP GTM System 14 years, 6 months ago
rickkumar joined the group BuddyStream 14 years, 6 months ago
rickkumar joined the group Multisite Global Search 14 years, 6 months ago
rickkumar posted on the forum topic MULTIPLE BuddyPress sites using a "single" buddypress installation? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 6 months ago
@DJPaul Thanks for your response. I am not a programmer so 🙂 Folks at WPMU Dev suggested trying this pluggin by JohnJamesJacoby to see if it works: WP Multi Network https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-multi-network/ Adds a Network Management UI for super admins in a WordPress Multisite environment. Turn your multi-site installation of…[Read more]
rickkumar posted on the forum topic Could BP Media be configured to auto create an album for each member on signup? in the group BuddyPress Media: 14 years, 6 months ago
@rossagrant Good suggestion, and perhaps it can automatically name those albums something like follows: John’s Media: John’s Photos John’s Videos John’s Music/Audio And admin can set limits from the admin panel on: – how many albums of any type (photo, video, audio, etc) can members build – number of items (photos, videos, audio clips, etc) allowed […]
rickkumar posted on the forum topic 2010-09-14 Nightly Build in the group BuddyPress Media: 14 years, 6 months ago
We appreciate whole heartedly the work that is done on this.
This is a huge undertaking and I have come across so many posters saying their project is dependent on this plugin. I know mine is too:)Btw, is it possible for users to make audio/video “playlists” in this or any other BP plugin?
rickkumar posted on the forum topic MULTIPLE BuddyPress sites using a "single" buddypress installation? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 6 months ago
@ mercime
Thank you very much.
Anyone knows if there is a plan for BuddyPress Multi-site plugin?
rickkumar started the forum topic MULTIPLE BuddyPress sites using a "single" buddypress installation? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting: 14 years, 6 months ago
MULTIPLE BuddyPress sites using a “single” buddypress installation? I am a newbie with no programming experience, so please bear with my ignorance. Here is the situation: 1. We are planning to use buddypress for multiple social network sites. 2. Each site will have it’s own unique/different/separate domain name, for example site1.com, site2.com,…[Read more]
rickkumar joined the group Erocks Dashboard Lockdown 14 years, 6 months ago
rickkumar joined the group VoucherPress 14 years, 6 months ago
rickkumar posted on the forum topic Template location in the group BuddyPress Media: 14 years, 6 months ago
@ LPH2005 thank you for all the details.
rickkumar posted on the forum topic Template location in the group BuddyPress Media: 14 years, 6 months ago
Can you post what exactly did you edit/where/how step-by-step for us dummies?
Thank you!
rickkumar joined the group BuddyPress External Group Blogs 14 years, 6 months ago
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