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Forum Replies Created

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  • @roninerrante


    As someone said here, I disabled e-mail activation with an autologin plugin called: “BP Autologin on Activation”. I hope this will be fixed soon anyway.



    Same here… Both last wp and bp versions.

    Seems to be a common and a very disturbing problem. Giving a bug to your users when they have just registered it’s not very good.



    I have exactly the same problem. When I try to post in a group forum I get:

    “This group does not have a forum setup yet.”

    If I try to do it from the global forums page section, I get this:

    “Please pick the group forum where you would like to post this topic.” (I did! ¬¬)

    No need to say that of course I had forum enabled option on the group… I’ve been working on this problem for several hours and I’m about getting crazy.

    When I installed forums option on Buddypress I did the following:

    1. Installed forums for all the website (downloaded bbPress, installed and activated)
    2. Installed forums for groups (instead of “using an existing installation option”)

    I think the problem is maybe on not using the “existing installation option”).

    I’m about becoming crazy (and blind), but the only solution I see is locating the database entry on phpMyadmin and fixing it, but I couldn’t find where this options are in there.

    Some help pleeeeease? Thanks… :(

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