tober11 posted an update in the group Buddypress Group CSS 13 years, 6 months ago
@rustybroomhandle curious if you have ever given thought to making this a step in the group creation process?
mvvspr posted on the forum topic Testers needed for version 2.1beta! in the group Add All Nav Links to BP Adminbar: 14 years, 5 months ago
@pcwriter The configuration options are excellent.I just played around for a while with the configuration operations.Here is a screenshot of my test http://screencast.com/t/NzEzNWJkZ The plugin is excellent. It would be great if we had an option to choose the colors from admin panel itself. @rustybroomhandle ‘s Buddypress Group CSS has an option…[Read more]
Anointed posted on the forum topic A question for theme designers in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years, 6 months ago
site is:
If you need access let me know where to send a temp pass for you. I have activations turned off, so there is no real way for you to test it out publicly. -
Bpisimone posted on the forum topic A question for theme designers in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years, 7 months ago
What’s the latest development here @rustybroomhandle?
paulhastings0 posted a new activity comment 14 years, 7 months ago
@rustybroomhandle, Whoa, one of our users found a huge security issue.
Non-admins can edit the CSS files by directly going to: http://WEBSITE-NAME.com/groups/GROUP-NAME/admin/groupcss
Could we fix this in the next release?
pcwriter posted on the forum topic A question for theme designers in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years, 7 months ago
@rustybroomhandle …kool nickname BTW!
I also think looking first for child-theme/style.css (then _inc/css/default) would be the goof-proof way to go.
And please, oh pretty please, add the features for profiles too 🙂
pcwriter posted on the forum topic A question for theme designers in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years, 7 months ago
Really cool idea! I’m sure eventual users of my site (not launched yet) would appreciate being able to personalize their group/profile pages, if only via a color selector. Looking forward to testing.
Ali posted an update 14 years, 8 months ago
@rustybroomhandle Nice
gregfielding posted an update in the group Buddypress Group CSS: 14 years, 8 months ago
This is some very cool stuff!I’m liking the direction this is going with the default themes. Most real-world users will have no clue how to use the css features so this is a real, practical solution.
Couple of thoughts…
1. instead of themes, would it be possible to let the users style selected elements from a color…[Read more]
@gregfielding Thanks for the thoughts/comments.
1. I have thought about it, and might still implement it as another option in addition to the three currently available. I’ll keep the presets though, since a site admin might have several content generating plugins active, such as group wiki, group blog etc, that might not necessarily…[Read more]
The more I think through this, the more I think the most practical application is the body wallpaper. Most users are already familiar with the concept and it wouldn’t interfere with the site styling the way that css tweaks would. Not that there isn’t a place for css tweaks and themes, but the wallpaper option might be more used.
I would love to…[Read more]
Ohhh, doi, I’m a doofus… you meant for members to personalise their profiles pages. Yes, very good idea. As for css interfering. It’s more or less the idea. In fact, on the site where this all began, group pages are so wildly altered that they pretty much each serve as a standalone site. It’s like multiple blogs without the blogs. I guess the…[Read more]
gotcha…my site is soooo styled, I’m not sure how much freedom I want to give members to tweak the css…maybe a few elements…hmmm.
Wallpaper, on the other hand, seems like a no brainer. I’ve got a fixed-width site and background customized wallpaper makes a lot of sense.
Maybe that’s separate plugin…
My suggestion is to make all your preset themes just be wallpapers. I should probably come up with an easier way to add/delete themes. And perhaps also a place to post/download new ones. I don’t want to distribute bunches of themes with the core package.
how about a way for users to upload wallpaper images? (obviously a whole new layer of complexity)
Probably will do that in time. For now I will focus on bug fixes and code cleanup, and then after version 1, we’ll see about extending the features.
I take that back. I’ll make the Twitter-like thingy next. 😛
Cool! I think that would be VERY popular and people already know how to use it!
Well, I’m not going to clone Twitter, if that’s what you are thinking. Anyway, you’ll see.
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